Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Freak Show

Life is so full of freaks on display! This guy looks like a shell of a body with no spirit inside. That's a cat on his shoulder outside a hockey game! Who does that??? That cat was a bigger freak than his owner. I was so afraid I didn't even put my hand out!

Why is it so easy to judge a guy like this? His freakness is blatant!

There's numerous stories about freaks everyday on the street, in the news and in our neighborhoods. People who live seemingly normal lives but have freakish fetishes for dark things they don't want to come to light. Then there's guys like this, who boldly let their freak flag fly.

It seems to me we are all freaks! In the words of Rob Thomas "I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell". Aren't we all a little unwell? I'm not trying to make any pronouncements here about my personal fetishes. I am though, admitting that I'm probably a freak. I have said and done some very freaky things in my lifetime!

Are there levels that you can read on a freakometer? Maybe the line between freak and blatant freak is drugs, intoxication or mental illness. It's easy for me to judge this guy cause I'm afraid. I'm afraid of what he might do to me. I'm afraid of what lies within myself. I'm afraid of crossing that line into blatant freak territory. As if hidden freak is somehow better right?

What do I gain by judging this guy? Better question, what do I gain by NOT judging this guy? Tolerance is easy but not necessarily intuitive.

"We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect. The judgement of the intellect is only part of the truth" Carl Jung

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cultural Differences

I spent 24 hours in Canada this weekend. It's always amusing to experience the cultural differences that exist just a wee bit to the North. Sure, pronunciations are different for "out" and "about". They have "bean" where I have "been". They use different terms for things as well. I enjoy powdered sugar while they enjoy icing sugar. I might drive a manual while they drive a standard. I could go on and on...

I noticed one major difference this time I hadn't noticed before. The Canadians embrace family in a whole-hearted way! Here's "Parent Parking" adjacent to the handicapped spots. They offer Families a safer more convenient way to purchase their groceries.

At Rogers Arena where the Vancouver Canucks play hockey, they also embrace family. They offer very comfortable chairs in the ladies room. Nurse your baby or just sit and hold your child for a few minutes. Pretty incredible! Do these exist in the Men's room? I kind of doubt it although I can't be sure.

Women get one full year of maternity leave when they have a child. Can you imagine? That's 4-5 times as much as Women in America are allowed. I'm sure there are differing opinions about the pros and cons of a socialist society, I'm not here to weigh in on that. I'm just making the observation that it is only a couple of hours away and so much different!
There was a baby about a year old at the Canucks game I went to that had industrial strength ear protection. How funny I thought, to expose such a young child to the violent game of hockey, the raucous crowd and yet protect their ears. As a Mom, I completely get that!

Friday, January 21, 2011

My Girls

Sorry to the Guys, I'll show you some love another time. I want to salute the ladies in my life!

I'm so fortunate to know a wide variety of amazing women. My Mother and four Sisters obviously made a huge impact on my perspective of females. The six of us couldn't be more different from the way we look, speak, the choices we've made in our lives and even who we chose for partners. It's a fascinating thing that we're not more alike. Not that I want us to be the same, I would've thought that growing up together we would've rubbed off on each other more.

My Daughter Kesa has grown into a beautiful, smart, adventurous Woman! I know we look a lot alike and we do have so many similarities. She is her own person, so unique and creative! She has been one my best teachers over the last 20 years! I'm beyond proud!

This weekend I'm road tripping to Vancouver with two of my best Girlfriends Jen and Ali for a Canucks game. The three of us couldn't be more different as well! The time we spend together is never dull, in fact it's lively and fun! They are both scientists so they lose me sometimes but I have learned so much from them (not just about science). These women accept me as I am, tease me, entertain me, make me laugh and love me unconditionally.

At work, in my spiritual community and in my extended family I am surrounded by amazing women! I mean no disrespect for Men, cause you KNOW I love my Men! There's just something about the women in my life that bring me so much joy!

Cheers Ladies, I'm so grateful for you!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

laura living aloud

I enjoy reading so many blogs that my friends and family write. I also enjoy writing so here goes! Welcome!

My Sister Jeanne always says "I squeezed the life out of every second..." My massage therapist said last night "I've been living more purposefully". It has me thinking about conscious creations. I believe we create our own reality. Sure, it's about responsibility but it's also about living intentionally. Not letting life happen to me but me really living it and creating what I want!

I'm so blessed to have a wonderful family and so many lovely friends. I have a job I enjoy that allows me to live my life the way I want to. Including enjoying most of my lunch hours in the comfort of my own home. I'm blessed let's face it!

You will tire of me saying the word "balance". I can't help it, it's perhaps the biggest lesson I'm here to learn this lifetime. Early in my adult life as a single parent to my beautiful daughter Kesa I was forced to balance work and life. The clocked ticked louder as the daycare closing time approached. There was no choice, it just was. Those patterns came in handy after Mark and Lafe joined our family (and we joined their's). Work and family balance is great and all but what about the other things. My spirit....God! At 42 I have only begun to fully understand the reality of balance, it's huge!

Today I will just strive for a little more balance. Work is really demanding now so this will be a great challenge. I hear my body asking for some exercise (my resistance to exercise is something that will require it's own posts) I commit to at least go for a power walk today! I challenge you to check your own balance. Call me a skeptic but I think being out of balance is a pretty common predicament.

More later from me, have a great day!