Saturday, May 28, 2011


I ran across a piece of my history that I had blocked out of my thoughts.  I was forced to do something that went against every single fiber of my being!  When I ran across the evidence, I instantly felt sick to my stomach all over again.  I'm so ashamed of this single act, I can't describe it.  I will however own up to it!  This is my apology to everyone everywhere, I'm very very sorry!!  Here's the story:

From 1991 to 1993 I worked for the Boy Scouts of America.  I was the Executive Secretary to the Program Director and CEO of the County Council.  Really, I was desperate for money being the single parent to a toddler.  I was the only Non-Mormon member of the staff of 15 or so.  I loved the people there with only a couple of exceptions.  In order to fit in with staff and the hundreds of Scouts and Parents, I wore a disguise of sorts.  

One morning I arrived to work thinking it would be a quiet day.  The head honchos that I catered to were all away at a national event.  The phone started ringing off the hook immediately.  Shortly before this, there was a case in San Francisco where a gay man was turned away from leading a pack.  It went to court and the Boy Scouts won, they could indeed exclude homosexuals.  They mandated it throughout the states.  I remember biting my tongue on dozens of occasions to keep my paycheck from disappearing.

Several banks and institutions disagreed with the decision by the Boy Scouts and ceased their donations.  It was quite controversial.  A couple from Sultan, WA protested their bank by returning a $45,000 loan they received and cancelling their accounts.  They had the media in a frenzy! 

Because of the national event, I was the senior ranking person in the office that day.  The CEO faxed me a statement for the public.  I begged him to have one of the other girls make the statement.  I tried to convince one of the girls to do it.  I even tried the "you can stand for what you believe in" but no luck.  I finally called the CEO back and refused to do it and he put me on notice.  Do it or be on your way.  So, I did it.  Here's the article from the Everett Herald.  By the way, Bismore is my maiden name.

There it is.  Can you believe I said those words??  Oh my God!!  There are only two or three things in my life that I'm deeply, genuinely ashamed of and this is one.  I can't do anything about it now so I will finally face it, own it and let it go.  I won't even make any excuses.  Single parent or not, I should have walked out the door that day and never looked back.  It was a mistake.

I did some amazing work there.  I have to share.  I was in charge of the 75 year anniversary fund raising event and I had a blast!  Larry was an awesome man and I enjoyed working with him.  Check out his nod to me in the forward. 

Working at the Boy Scouts was not all bad.  I hope that this doesn't come across like a judgemental or prejudice thing.  It's not that at all.  I simply don't agree with most of the fundamentals.  It should not have been my voice, it was not my message. 

Thank you for listening and please forgive me.  I'm deeply sorry!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's noisy in here!

As I said in this post Deep Dark Confessions I'm fascinated by Bethenny Frankel's book "A Place of Yes".  We already talked about rule #1 Break the Chain.  Today I want to tackle a few of her 10 rules at once:

2. Find your Truth
3. Act on it
4. Everything is your business

In order to achieve the second rule finding your truth, you have to clear alot of noise.  Noise is the BS that we carry that isn't ours that keeps us from the truth.  I'm sure we'll talk about noise again and again.  There are two main types of noise I want to discuss today in relationship to these rules:  Relationship Noise and Perfectionist Noise

This book is hilarious, Bethenny is a recovering serial monogamist like me.  Moved from one relationship to the other without any personal growth space in between.  She talks so openly about owning up to the relationships we've had and the value of exploring the truth about them. 

I never owned up or opened up to my daughter about her biological father (sperm donor as we call him).  This subject is ripe for it's own blog another day.  The short version is that I haven't seen him since the day I told him I was pregnant 22 years ago.  Opening up to her and my husband about this relationship (or really the lack thereof) was a huge healing!  I'm a bit raw yet liberated!  My husband was wise beyond belief when he pointed out that my noise keeps me from calling him by his given name.  RAY and I were not a couple, it started out a party and ended in pain both physical and emotional.  Lots more work to do on this one but owning it, acting on it and making it my business to get to the truth reaps huge rewards. 

Perfectionist noise is pretty self explanatory.  Here's my favorite quote from this chapter:  "You must find the line between high standards for yourself and destructive perfectionist noise".  Amen Sister!  If only it were that easy!  HA HA  In my spiritual training they call it perfect pictures.  Whatever you want to call it, I'm fraught with it head to toe.  Knowing that truth is essential to clearing it.  Balancing this area is so hard!  I sabbotage alot of things because I can't achieve perfect.  I also lose a lot of wars because I let the perfectionist noise take over one individual battle.  I will find that line one of these days.

I won't lie, it's frustrating to have these extra layers of crap.  Damn, clearing them feels like a canon ball into a cool lake on a hot day.  Free yourself of the noise that bogs you down.  Find YOU in there and BE YOU.  Love yourself no matter what you did or didn't do.  Accept YOU just as YOU ARE!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Deep Dark Confession

This blog is about to embark on a new journey.  Before we go, I have a confession to make that I'm not very proud of.  I'm a reality TV junky!!  I love the real housewives series'!  It's so fun to watch these crazy bitches who have so much money to throw around, maids, nannies, huge homes and a wealth of drama!  This addiction is all my daughters fault, she gave me my first syringe full and I have never been the same. 

Why am I telling you this?  What is the new journey?  I'm reading Bethenny Frankel's book "A Place Of Yes"  This book is already so great and I'm only 30% in.  It's chalked full of fodder for this blog mostly because it validates the healing path I'm already on.

Of all the housewives, Bethenny is the one I admire.  She has grown an amazing business, found a great husband and has a beautiful daughter.  She displays and embodies balance in her life.  Please don't hear me comparing myself to her but I do think there are similarities.  The book is kind of a self help book about her story.  She admits to the world that she got there the hard way.  As did I. 

Over the coming weeks I want to explore some of the themes in her book.  In the book are 10 rules to help you come from a place of yes.  Here they are: 

1. Break the chain
2. Find your truth
3. Act on it
4. Everything is your business
5. All roads lead to Rome
6. Go for yours
7. Separate from the pack
8. Own it
9. Come together
10. Celebrate!

The first rule is the one I would like to explore today.  Break the chain...  It's pretty simple, break any chains from your childhood or past that you don't care for ("take or leave it")  One part really spoke to me.  Discussing pain from her childhood:  "I've decided it has to stop with me because it's no longer only about me.  I won't pass on the dysfunction.  I refuse to do it.  Instead, I'll take all that is good in me and leave the rest behind." 

If I had read this book at 20, it might have changed the shape of my parenting path.  Is it too late for me?  I don't know, but it's too late for my parenting.  When I read this chapter I was forced to admit that I didn't break the chain in time for our kids.  I can feel guilty in spades but what benefit would that bring?  Thankfully, my 21 year old daughter is reading this book along with me so that eases my guilt some.  I did learn through meditation in the last 10 years to break the chain.  I will never say too little too late, I don't believe it. 

What it means to break the chain is really about purging beliefs, patterns, habits and pain that you took on from your childhood that doesn't really belong to you.  Let go of anything that isn't yours, love the things that are good in you and leave the rest by the side of the road.  Sounds good to me!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Sky is Falling!!!

Rumor has it that the world will end at 6pm this evening.  The Rapture!  I'm skeptical about it, but I could be wrong.  We're expecting that big earthquake and I think it would be apropos if it came at 5:59 but then the world didn't end.  Ha ha!

What if the world did end today?  It's almost like asking what if you died today?  Those age old questions:  Would you have regrets?  Would you leave unfinished business?  Sure, I would have regrets and unfinished business but who cares?  My regrets are few at this point in my life.  The business can be beautiful even unfinished.  Besides, if I'm dead I won't care about the shape of things I left behind.  Maybe it's happiness we are asking about.  Would you die happy???

Happiness has been on my mind a lot lately.  There's a lot of people out there that are not happy.  A few people that are really close to me have huge burdens in their life and are not happy.  Some are always suffering some anxiety, chaos or drama almost in an effort to avoid happiness.  I've been there but no more!

I'm happier then I have ever been!  Am I delirious?  No, just joyful, grateful and full of love.  I feel comfortable in my own skin.  It took me 40 some years to get here but I'm here.  If the world ends tonight, I'm good!!  I will die happy. 

My happiness seems to be a problem for some.  Sorry Charlie, that's your tough luck.  I'm not going to be sad because you're sad.  I have compassion, love and empathy for you but it's not going to help you feel better if I don't feel good.  I'm happy so deal with it!

I think I'll take my uncomfortable bra off around 5:45 this evening.  Then I will be completely comfy and ready for whatever comes my way.  Just kidding!  I better leave it on in case I have to run....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mission Impossible???

People, I have a mission on my hands!  I must find a comfortable bra!!  I can't bring myself to buy another bra that hurts and doesn't fit well.  I WON'T! 

Largely endowed women have few options in the world.  I gave up on pretty bras a long time ago, I can deal with that.  What I can't deal with is finding something close to comfortable!  After four fittings in the last 6 months, I'm throwing in the towel on every retail lingerie department.  I'm in for over $150 and all I have to show for it is severe chaffing!

Part of this challenge is to accept my body just as it is.  It's imperfect and I guess pretty hard to fit.  One of my breasts is quite a bit larger then the other.  When did this happen?  Sometime around 40, I suppose I didn't really notice until recently.  I'm checking with my Mom and Sisters to find out if I'm the only one.  Perhaps it's hereditary.

I read that 8 out of 10 women are wearing the wrong bra size.  In my fittings I have been put in a 34DD all the way to a 38DDD.  I'm definitely not a 38DDD although the big left one enjoyed the DDD!  HAHA! How frustrating, there's no standard bra out there with two different cup sizes.  I need something custom made just for me.  I hope I can find it.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mystery People??

This blog has quite a few mystery readers!  The statistics show my audience has grown from the US and Canada to Germany, France, Denmark, Malaysia, Russia, United Kingdom, Iran, Kenya, Australia and even Singapore.  Who are you?  I'm so curious! 

Now, I'm wondering what this broader audience wants to see in my blog.  Is it different then my North American audience? 

If you are reading this in another country, please click follow!!  Then comment and let me know who you are and how you found me.  Tell me anything you want about the blog.   I can't wait to hear your comments!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

lauralivingaloud in the lab!!


This blog is NOT affiliated with the company I work for.  Having said that, I will tell you this much:  I'm in Supply Chain Management in the biotech industry.  I've been going to the same business park campus for the last 18 years.  I vowed in year 1 to ALWAYS take advantage of any opportunity to get some lab time!  I try for twice a year.  Most trips are not this gowned up, usually the coat and safety goggles but not the hair net and gloves.  It's a must for many reasons.

It's so amazing in there.  Everything we bought and maintain is in motion.  I get to put the pieces of the puzzle together of what it looks like and how or where they use it.  Which instruments go together, in fact everything seems to be connected.  Fascinating!  The education really makes me more effective at my job.

The room I was in today was a very small room with minimal amount of equipment.  In the way back of the warehouse in a QC sampling room.  My friend Tom and I went to photograph a damaged product for a vendor.  Must be nasty stuff if you gotta dress like that to open the bucket lid to expose the torn bag.  Ha!  That was the best 10 minutes of my whole day!!!  

Another vain aspect that I love about going into the lab is the money.  My eyes go around the room and I recount it in my head.  The balances, HPLC's, those flasks are expensive!  I can even tell you how much the metro racks cost.  LOL  

Great break in my day and a vacation from routine.   Next time, I'll remember to avoid the latex gloves.  HA!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Best Mothers Day EVER!!!

This was the Best Mothers Day EVER!!! 

I asked my family for a hike and free surprises for Mothers Day.  Turned out Lafe had to work and couldn't join us, sadly.  My day started like any other Sunday.  Meet the Press and coffee with my Hubby followed by a hot bath.  

Meditation hour on Mothers was amazing and my 3 Canadian Friends were there which was such a treat!  I attended a Spiritual Studies event about Kundalini Energy which was equally wonderful!  Then off to the hike.

When we were waiting for Kesa and Bella to arrive at the trail head I got my first surprise, Lafe arranged for the day off!  OMG, that was a beautiful surprise!! 

 Bella stopping for a drink, only a Grandma can love the ass in the air photo!  LOL

Is this a gorgeous picture or what!?!  My three babies playing on the beach!    

 First family photo in far too long.  Being the Mom in this family is the best thing I've ever done.  I love these three people and our pooch more then I ever imagined was possible!   

Kesa surprised me again with a print of a really old photo of us on a ferry, NICE!  Then, when Mark and I pulled into the driveway he said "let me know when you see your surprise".  It only took me a few minutes to see that he arranged for Lafe and his friend to put up the summer awning in the back yard.  Such a celebration of time for outdoor cribbage and enjoying our slice of Bothell, WA. 

Icing on the cake you say, it can't get any better??? Hell yes it can!  How about chicken fajitas by Chef Petersen, he's quite a cook! 

My life ROCKS!!  I need nothing else then to be the Mom.  Thank you Mark, Lafe (you had a hand in all the surprises), Kesa and of course the beautiful Bella!


Salute to Mothers!

Being a Mother is the best thing I've ever done in my life!  My Mother means the world to me!  I have learned from hundreds of amazing Mothers out there.  Today I take a moment to celebrate myself and all the Mothers in the world. 

I read this poem when I was a young girl.  It spoke to me then and it speaks to me now.  I dedicate this poem to my Mother Gladys and my Grandmother Verna.  I  love you Mom!  I miss you Gram!

A Mother's Love by Helen Steiner Rice

A Mother's love is something
that no one can explain,
It is made of deep devotion
and of sacrifice and pain,
It is endless and unselfish
and enduring come what may
For nothing can destroy it
or take that love away . . .
It is patient and forgiving
when all others are forsaking,
And it never fails or falters
even though the heart is breaking . . .
It believes beyond believing
when the world around condemns,
And it glows with all the beauty
of the rarest, brightest gems . . .
It is far beyond defining,
it defies all explanation,
And it still remains a secret
like the mysteries of creation . . .
A many splendoured miracle
man cannot understand
And another wondrous evidence
of God's tender guiding hand.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Garage Sale!

We had a garage sale yesterday.  It was a beautiful plan, Kesa and I would run the sale while Mark prepared the vegetable garden for planting.  It was a decent day although the cloudy moments were freezing!  We didn't sell as much as we had hoped but we made a bit of money. 

There was an extremely startling and frightening 15 minutes during the day that is the highlight of this story.  A man came in with a large handgun tucked into the front of his pants.  It was covered by his coat until he reached out to pick something up.  When he bent to look at something, I noticed a second gun tucked in his jeans on the side.  My first order of business was to make sure Kesa was aware.  As soon as our eyes met, I knew that she was.  No words were necessary.  The second thing I did was to make a loud point of taking the money from Kesa and putting it in my pocket.

Who carry's weapons like that at a garage sale???  I am NOT a gun person, they scare me and I don't want them on my property.  This guy was weird but kind in a strange way.  He seemed to stay forever.  He took calls on his cell phone, chatted with us and wandered around.  Other people were coming and going but he stayed. The longer he stayed, the more I was convinced he was planning something and waiting for the right moment.

I moved around strategically making certain that I was in between him and Kesa.  I was so terrified, my skin went clammy and I was shaking.  I was also in a heightened state of awareness.  I felt oddly prepared for him to pull that weapon.  Hands to my sides, I eyeballed items that could be used against him on the tables around me. Once again Mama Bear was going to protect her kid at all costs!

I have never in my life been so grateful for a truck to pull up with our good friend Nate (who's also a very large, strong guy).  I walked quickly over to hug him and I whispered in his ear "this guys packin' heat".  His response was "yea, I noticed right away".  His presence made us feel so much safer.  Such a relief!!  Thank God for Nate!

So the guy bought some items and left.  I don't know if his plan was foiled or if he had no plan at all. I'm so glad nothing happened.  We exploded into nervous laughter when he left and we thanked our lucky stars!!  Mark was surprised it all happened with him just on the other side of the fence.  Kesa didn't want to leave me alone with that guy to go get him.

Anyway, that was the most exciting thing that happened yesterday.  Even though we didn't make a lot of money it was so much fun to hang out with Kesa the entire day!  We haven't done that in far too long!  Except for that 15 minutes, it was a delightful day!!