Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Who let the cats out????

I LET THE CATS OUT!!  My cats are Chase and Yertail (Yert or Yerty)  After 11 years of indoor living, I strapped a tag around their necks and I flung the door open and let them OUT!  It has been the strangest pet transition I've ever been through. 

The main reason we made this decision is that these fat cats and I mean REALLY FAT cats are dying on our couch.  Chase runs around the house to burn off energy and frustration.  He slides across the wood floor, he's quite the adventurer.  Don't get me wrong, he's got a large hanging fat sack.  Yert hasn't run in many years.  When the dryer repair man arrives, he speed waddles straight to his bottom kitchen cabinet hiding spot.  He's my linebacker only not athletic.  It's bizarre!  So, they need exercise, it's settled!

Here's how it went (sorry for the blur):

Started out strong, Chase was happy as a clam!  Yert was really slow to come out. 

Yert's OUT!  This is literally 3' out the back door, he came this far several days in a row.  No further. 

The guys are chillaxin' on a hot summer evening.  It's so cute it makes me smile! 

 Yert has been exploring underneath the bushes for quite some time now and even venturing all the nooks and crannies.  The last time Bella (my grand baby dog) was over she lost a ball.  Yert found it and he's had hours of fun with it! 

Now that fall has arrived in true Seattle style, Yert is not going out as much.  He first experienced the rain a few days ago and he does not like it.  I can tell Chase doesn't love it but he's willing to put up with it. 

At first, the cats stayed inside our fence.  It was so great, I didn't have to worry about cars or where they were.  There are apparently several places where Chase can slide under the fence so those days are over.  Yert's too large to get through so he hasn't seen the front yard yet.  One morning Mark yelled "LAURA" from upstairs as he was watching Chase in the middle of the street having a good old fashioned face off with the neighbor cat.  His tail was about 6 inches in diameter but he came home unscathed.  The cars really scare me but what can  you do?  It's die in here on the couch or die out there...

I know alot of experts would tell me I'm crazy for doing this but I don't care.  When Yert first went outside I noticed that he has huge sacks of fluid around all 4 leg joints.  These were 4 inches across and 2 inches thick.  His waddle looked painful.  Well, I'm happy to report the swelling has gone down and he's walking better then I've ever seen him.  Also, when I open the door and call them in he has a cute new little trot.  It looks good on him.  I don't know how it all turns out or what will happen but I will never regret this decision.  Sometimes you have to do something that doesn't feel right to do the right thing.

My final thought...  I think it's really funny that they didn't know they could do their "business" outside.  It was summer so we left the door open and watched as they went in the house, visited the litter box and returned outside.  One night Chase refused to come in so we left him out there.  He was crying at the door in the morning and ran full speed to the litter box when I opened the door.  Now you know how he got his nick name 'Shit for Brains'.  I have since seen Yert go outside but I'm not sure if Chase has figured it out. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Unstable Footing

I was fishing yesterday on the Snohomish River with my Sister, Brother-in-law, Daughter and a dear friend.  We each navigated our way to find the best spot to stand along the rocky bank.  Here's Jen and Kesa's spot:

It was really challenging climbing around those unstable rocks.  Kesa had one shift on her and dumped her backwards onto another rock and into the river up to her waist.   She went down hard and it hurt!  Her cell phone was in her sweatshirt pocket and narrowly missed getting wet THANK GOD! 

My Sister and I were laughing about how old we felt because standing or sitting on the rocks challenged our 40 something bodies.  My back was hurting, her hips were sore, it was funny!  I said, "jeez I just don't do well on an unstable footing".  Then we laughed aloud when I said "AHA, My next blog"... 

Despite all that, we always have a blast no matter what we do and fishing adds a really cool new adventure!

I just don't do well when my feet are not on a level surface.  My step-son Lafe loves to have a board under his feet flying across the pavement or snow.  That's not for me.  I've tried skiing too but I'm just a chickenshit.  Part of it is fear which I think I could overcome but a big portion of it is that it's just not my thing.  There's nothing wrong with that.

So that's the literal translation but what about the transcendental translation?  During times of great change when uncertainty causes me to feel like I'm on an unstable footing it's not unsurmountable at all.  Regaining your footing in a mental, emotional or spirtual way can be effortless.  Some seek counsel, others meditate and some just fly off the handle and go bonkers.  I choose to maintain some semblance of grounding and be as aware and in charge of my footing as I can be most of the time.  Hell, I'm not perfect.  It has made a big difference in my life.  How can I not share?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Inspiration Respiration!!

Good Morning!

It is certainly hard to be a blogger when you have no computer!  My electronics have all suffered meltdowns but the good news is that I have a brand spankin' new laptop and I'm back bloggin' my brains out! 

In addition, I have been lacking inspiration in a big way lately.  There's so much change happening on the planet and in my life right now that it's intense!  Thank God for meditation!!!

Have you ever looked up the definition of inspiration?  From 


a.  A divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul.
b.  The divine quality of the writings or words of a person so influenced.

If one is lacking inspiration doesn't that really mean that one has closed themselves off to the influence?  With inspirations all around us the door must be open to receive. 

My sister Jeanne inspired me by being an inspiration to others.  There's a concept.  Her inspiring others breathed life into me to be an inspiration and to be open to inspiration.  It's a beautiful cycle!  She is also a blogger.  In her blog she writes about her 45th birthday coming up.  She made a list of 50 things she wants to do before she turns 50 (the 50 before 50).  Now she is going gang busters knocking things off the list.  I was so fortunate to be there for the conquering of #8 on the list catching a fish.  She caught some trout so technically I wasn't there for the major first but I got to watch her catch her very first salmon.  She squealed with joy, it was so fabulous!

My niece Rebecca who is also a blogger has now made a list of the 30 things she would like to do before she turns 30.  She was inspired by Jeanne's quest and is taking that inspiration into her own life.  Now she is inspiring others with her quest.  This cycle is totally amazing!  The stone has been thrown in the pond and the ripples are far reaching!!

There was a game on facebook a few months ago called "pay it forward".  The first 5 people that commented on my status get something hand made by me within a year.  This inspired me because I love the idea that people are going to receive a gift and maybe they don't remember commenting all those months ago.  Who doesn't love a surprise!!!

Inspiration is like a kick start.  Each of us would be inspired by different things in different moments.  It doesn't even have to be a big thing.  Maybe a fine looking tomato in the grocery would inspire you to make salsa.  Perhaps watching a child tie her shoes for the first time inspires you to adopt a child.   Sometimes inspiration comes from within.  I think that's the best feeling when your divine influence is yourself! 

Wherever your inspiration comes from I hope you are inspired.  I'm really working hard in my life to be OPEN to inspiration.  With all the change surrounding me, I want to see opportunities in time to grab them up.  That is true inspiration.

I'm so thankful for Jeanne and Rebecca for their inspiration, I'm not sure I'll make a list but they sure inspire me to help them with their lists.  They both have skinny dipping on their lists so I'm crossing my fingers that I get to go on that adventure!!!