Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Electronic Lamenting

All these electronics are driving me crazy!!! 

It's too much!  We have two laptops that are almost 4 years old and upkeep and troubleshooting is a constant white knuckled challenge!  There was some kind of a virus on Mark's computer that is quarantined but the performance will never be the same and I have no idea where to start!

My android phone, computers, ipod, garmin, dvr, cameras etc the list goes on and on.  Sometimes my dvr just doesn't tape the show I programmed.  Out of nowhere my small camera's photos were too low resolution to upload or print.  I didn't change anything so what the hell? 

Do I really have to check and uncheck every single box on itunes for the items I want to load?  That takes for ever!  I want to be able to check and uncheck one artist or album at a time not song by song SHEESH!

My daughter says my android phone would run better if I consistently go in and delete my cache.  Really?  Couldn't you be a dear and come over every week and do it for me? 

Maybe there are better ways to do things, faster and more efficient or effective but I don't know what that might be.  I'm lost and confused!  Thanks for letting me vent.  The responsibility of being the electronics master of our family is daunting.  I don't feel like I know what I'm doing.  I'm lucky if I can find the right cord to try to sync up all these devices to the computer! 

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