Sunday, September 25, 2011

Unstable Footing

I was fishing yesterday on the Snohomish River with my Sister, Brother-in-law, Daughter and a dear friend.  We each navigated our way to find the best spot to stand along the rocky bank.  Here's Jen and Kesa's spot:

It was really challenging climbing around those unstable rocks.  Kesa had one shift on her and dumped her backwards onto another rock and into the river up to her waist.   She went down hard and it hurt!  Her cell phone was in her sweatshirt pocket and narrowly missed getting wet THANK GOD! 

My Sister and I were laughing about how old we felt because standing or sitting on the rocks challenged our 40 something bodies.  My back was hurting, her hips were sore, it was funny!  I said, "jeez I just don't do well on an unstable footing".  Then we laughed aloud when I said "AHA, My next blog"... 

Despite all that, we always have a blast no matter what we do and fishing adds a really cool new adventure!

I just don't do well when my feet are not on a level surface.  My step-son Lafe loves to have a board under his feet flying across the pavement or snow.  That's not for me.  I've tried skiing too but I'm just a chickenshit.  Part of it is fear which I think I could overcome but a big portion of it is that it's just not my thing.  There's nothing wrong with that.

So that's the literal translation but what about the transcendental translation?  During times of great change when uncertainty causes me to feel like I'm on an unstable footing it's not unsurmountable at all.  Regaining your footing in a mental, emotional or spirtual way can be effortless.  Some seek counsel, others meditate and some just fly off the handle and go bonkers.  I choose to maintain some semblance of grounding and be as aware and in charge of my footing as I can be most of the time.  Hell, I'm not perfect.  It has made a big difference in my life.  How can I not share?

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