Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Happy 25th Anniversary to my Sister and Brother-in-law!!

It's kind of hard to believe that these two have been married for 25 years!  I want to congratulate them and also take a moment to ponder relationships in general.

T&J are two of my very favorite people!  Their relationship is far from perfect but that's what I love about it.  It reminds me that every couple has their ups and downs, imperfections and even arguments after so long.  There are no perfect couples.  That's reassuring and grounds me in the reality of things.  They are perfect for each other though.  They finish each others sentences, they collaborate on so many things and yet divide the chores in a way that works too.   

I have always been protective of my Sister, in fact probably too much so.  I have to laugh thinking back 26 years or so how difficult it was for me to accept T into her life.  I was suspicious and relentless about it.  Once before they were married, a misunderstanding had me pounding on his door in the middle of the night ready to bash his head in.  I remember breaking a chair and some records before he finally got me to listen to his explanation.  Sorry T, my bad!  ; )

On their wedding day they didn't look anything like this picture above.  They have each grown so much in mental, emotional, spiritual and even physical ways.
Today I celebrate relationships!!  God gives us a partner to learn from, grow with and also to learn to be separate from.  J&T's relationship has touched many many lives and will touch many more.  I'm grateful for them!

Congratulations you guys, enjoy your special day!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Alright, now I have your attention!  Today I'm going in for my annual mammogram.  No, it's not fun and no I don't enjoy it but it's a must do!  Your monthly self breast exam is also a must do!  In January I will celebrate my 14th year being free of cervical cancer.  My cancer was discovered during a routine annual exam at the OB/GYN.  I have a friend who found colon cancer getting a colonoscopy just because he turned 50. 

THIS IS IMPORTANT PEOPLE!  Whoever you are, whatever you do, please do your screenings! 

This reminder comes at a good time while the Movember fund raiser is coming to a close.  That campaign not only raises money but also awareness to Men's cancers.  I think that's great!  Way to go Guys!

It's not just about the Boobies and the Balls, it's about health!  I could live without my breasts.  I hope not to but my life is worth more to me than any sum of parts. 

If you are not up to date with your routine exams, I issue you a challenge:  Get up to date by year end.  That gives you a month.  Hopefully you will be healthy but if not, hopefully you catch it early. 

Be safe and take care of your body, it's the only one you will have this time around.

Monday, November 28, 2011

First Day

This is the first work day of my unemployed journey.  I'm sitting in our home office in my brand new office chair.  That's a good start! 

I'm going to take some time this month to investigate several different avenues for a future.  It's an exciting time for me.  I'm also going to do some things just for me.  I know, selfish right?  Sometimes you have to be. 

It feels like I should get dressed and head to the office.  That will take some getting used to.  My plan is to get dressed every morning and begin working in my home office at a normal hour. 

I got signed up for unemployment and this is my waiting week.  I'm going to call and see if I can start to use the Work Source resources during the wait.  I think I can but we'll see.  I'm not even sure what they offer but again, it's an opportunity to think outside the box.  That's all I want right now.

I had a wonderful quiet weekend and I feel ready for the day.  A vendor that I have worked with the past 19 years is taking me to lunch today to celebrate our time together.  It is a very fancy restaurant so I'm very excited! 

I hope you enjoy your day!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday 101

Some people black Friday and some people don't.  It's an investment that not everyone is cut out for.  I'm middle of the road in that I would never camp out or fight with anyone over the door buster savings item.  I do however use the opportunity to trade some of my time for a lesser amount of money.  In fact, it's the hunt that I enjoy.  I shop for myself and I Christmas shop all on a mapped out project. It brings me joy, maybe I can pass on a veterans advice!

The first thing I do is venture down to the corner store on Thanksgiving and pick up the daily paper pregnant with fliers and ads.  It's so fun just to look through and sorting is easy.  Three piles: first round yes, price checking pile and rejects.  You break it down from there.  I know you could go online and perhaps I will but currently, I love this break from standing on my feet in the kitchen on the big day. 

I was going to go at 4am just to slip in behind the others and have guaranteed full stock, but avoid the main items that garner all the attention.  The alarm got turned off because I have been on overload lately which I feel zero guilt for.  I hit the stores just after 9am.  Timing is everything!  The discounts have clocks ticking so first off to Bed Bath and Beyond for the 10am deadline on 20% off my whole order (this stop was for me).  I then cut over to the store at the mall and scooped up all 4 items I was after and out in 30 minutes. 

Now off to the fabric store, I only had until noon to get the $10.99 fabric for $2.  This is KEY!  Pull your number then shop listening carefully to the announcements.  I pulled my ticket, shopped for 10 minutes and waited another 30 minutes before they called my number.  They announced that if you were in line past noon you would need a signature on your coupon.  Done, don't have to tell me twice.  After the cutting table, I waited another 30 minutes in the check out line.  There I met more fabulous people that thoroughly entertained me. 

After that, I went to two more stores and waltzed in grabbed my items and walked out.  Easy breezy.  That was good too. 

18.7 miles and 5 hours later, I saved a bunch of money.  In the past I have double teamed with my daughter and that is a super fun experience.  A lot of people go in pairs so one stays in line, that sure helps with time.  I didn't mind and now I'm ready to dig out my Christmas ornaments and celebrate! 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Thoughts

I'm so blessed and it's not hard to find a list of things that I'm thankful for.  I know it's cliche' but I can't think of a better way to celebrate the day:

  • Mark who's the best friend I've ever had.
  • Lafe who always makes me laugh and think.
  • Kesa who teaches me and acts as my mirror.
  • My birth family who remind me where I came from.
  • My friends who accept me exactly as I am.
  • My cats who cuddle me a little closer when I'm sad or sick.
  • My beautiful home on a nice slice of Bothell.
  • My spiritual community that sees right through any BS I might be hiding in.
There are so many other things I'm thankful for.  I have to go now because we're smoking our very first turkey today and roasting one in the oven as well.  A ton of work to be done.  The thing I enjoy doing more than anything else on the planet is to cook side by side with my wonderful husband.



My last day was weird but wonderful.  About 25 or 30 people showed up at the local bar to celebrate the night before.  It was touching beyond belief!  My husband and kids came, that meant the world to me.  You know how it goes, everyone is bringing you shots of this or that and you toast and drink.  Yikes, I was hung over yesterday!  It was worth it though.  I didn't cry until my friend Ali cried and then I couldn't turn the water works off. 

I met with HR to sign final paperwork and then I was free to go whenever I was ready.  My Boss, who is quite shaken by my departure had to escort me to the door.  He was very supportive and encouraged me to do it any way I chose.  I cleaned my desk and took my stuff to the car.  I walked around and signed off with some workmates.  When I left the loading dock my good friend Terry walked me back to the stairwell.  She cried and once again, on came my water works.  I went to the bathroom and tried endlessly to stop crying when I realized that it was not going to happen.  I went to my desk as quietly as I could and shut down my computer.  I stood up and said "Ok Guys, I'm outta here".  Every single person on the whole floor stood in my honor.  My closest friends walked out to the aisle way to hug me on my way out.  One friend hinted in my ear that it was pre-planned.  Wow, that was something else!  I'm so blessed and honored.  So I cried, who cares!

An ironic side note from the day, Lafe got a new job the day I ended mine.  We both agree that the planetary shifts are powerful and wonderful.   

This experience seems to have taken forever and dragged on and on.  Now it's over.  That chapter of my life is closed. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

T-Minus 1 Day

I'm writing this one early in the morning because I'm going to the bar at 3pm with a bunch of workmates.  I know I won't be in blogging shape after that. 

I'm so thrilled to be able to share this creative project with you!  As I mentioned, my daughter is one of my best teachers.  We made two blankets to give to our good friends Sean and Brad.  They are moving across country and they now have something warm and cozy to remind them of us.  So awesome!  Here's the pictures! 

Here's Kesa getting the corner tied just right.  That pool table has served as a place to lay fabric out on more than one occasion!

Here we are tying our brains out.  There's a particular way to tie it so that all the patterned sides of the bows come up to the plain side and vice versa.  That takes some getting used to but then you just tie and tie and tie!  And talk and laugh and be together.  Oh yea and sip some wine.

The finished product!!  They are quite beautiful!

The guys love them as you can see! 

It was such a perfect gift, a great way to spend an afternoon and an awesome distraction from the thing that has been consuming my thoughts.  Creative energy is the best!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

T-Minus 2 Days

2 days to unemployment!

This is bizarre in a ways I never imagined.  I think it's going well.  HA!  Pretty cool news, an e-mail went out to a ton of people who all wore purple in my honor.  Not so uncommonly I stroll in wearing purple corduroy pants, white top, green sweater and of course, purple scarf and jewelry!

The all company good bye party was great.  I don't know how many people but a few dozen for sure.  We didn't all fit in the conference room and I couldn't see who was outside.  Lovely purple theme as well.  I'm crazy, they all know it!

My final meeting with Boss and HR went well.  The one realization I had is that I will be escorted to the door.  Not surprising and totally appropriate but it hadn't entered my mind.  Oh well.  It's an interesting experience.

Off to celebrate dinner with our friends that are leaving.  So sad but so excited for them!  We'll never lose touch.  Then I can post the pics of the gifts we made for them!  ; ) 

FAITH, FAMILY AND FRIENDS are the three things that are MOST important and valuable in this lifetime!  It's a bonus that they are all F-words!  Cheers!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

T-Minus 3 Days

I would rather sit here and type a lie right now but I won't.  It would be easier than to admit the truth that it was a tough day.  My enthusiasm waned today.  Then, when I least expected it, my day dramatically improved, courtesy of my daughter.

First, let me say that I have the most supportive husband on the planet.  I've said that before, I want to shout it now.  I realized this morning that my ambitious plans went without considering his feelings.  He was up all night worrying about money.  Who can blame him, this is a scary time in our lives.  I feel so guilty I could vomit, who wants their best friend to be up all night worrying?  The guilt will not help anything so I should let it go but I'm having a hard time.  I am indeed responsible for worrying the poor man to sleeplessness.  Lesson learned, I jumped ahead and got wild ideas that are outside the comfort zone. 

I have made many choices in my life that have not been wise.  I realized today that your choices never stop being your choices, they are cast in cement.  At the beginning of our relationship I made choices about money that crippled our plans.  I'm responsible for that.  In Mark's mind, I will always be "that girl".  Not for the lack of forgiveness but for self preservation.  He would be foolish not to remember and be cautious.  I have to find a way to own that.  It's my scarlet letter.  No matter how much you change, others will never forget the things you would rather they did. 

The bright spot in my day came from my lovely daughter!  I can't post the secretive details, we have very dear friends that are moving across the country.  We wanted to send them off with something to remember us by.  I consider myself creative but my daughter blows my freakin' mind.  She had the idea, procured the supplies and taught me THE COOLEST thing!  We had a blast and the creative energy really perked up my spirits.  I can't say enough how blessed I am!!  I'll post the pictures of our endeavor in a couple of days. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

T-Minus 4 Days

Saturday!  I spent the morning organizing my desk in our home office.  A long way to go but much improved.  My intention is to do a lot of work in there and not do the regular 8-5 go to the office. 

Also I went through my closet and drawers and purged 3 garbage bags full of stuff I don't or shouldn't wear.  My daughter will likely reap the benefits of my "skinny clothes".  The job I'm leaving is uber low key on the dress code so it's time for me to step it up.  The result of my inventory was satisfactory.  I need to supplement what I have a bit, but I do have a good foundation.

I'm letting go of high heels for good. I just purchased two pair of sensible dress shoes.  All the dress pants are getting hemmed.  A couple of other pieces being altered and I should be good to go. 

Enough about clothes, I apologize.  I have decided to pursue a business license and strike out on my own to earn money.  My talents are in problem solving, process improvement and other professional services like contract negotiation and technical writing.  The creative juices are flowing!  I need a name.  I need a business plan.  Well, let me finish the last 3 days at work and we'll go from there.

Funny story at my expense:  I said something a bit snotty to my Husband this morning, jokingly but snotty.  He said "I thought you said you were letting go of the fight"  Busted, I laughed and said "only at work!"  My bad. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

T-Minus 5 Days

3 more days of work!  You may have noticed that I monetized this blog.  Hey, I'm going to be unemployed so I'll take every dime I can get!  Please feel free to click on the ads and support my efforts and my sponsors!!  Ha!  Shameless?  I don't think so but borderline for sure. 

Today seems to be all about appreciation.  Lots of posts on facebook are a daily dose of thanks-giving and I like it.  It reminds me how grateful I am for my life.  I appreciate this company and especially some of my coworkers.  I've learned a lot and I will miss the collaborations.  I'm so grateful for all my Friends and family and a million other things!

I got to help a friend in crisis today which reminded me that we all have crisis' and we help each other.  "We get by with a little help from our friends!"  That's what balance is all about! 

I'm livin' the dream....

Thursday, November 17, 2011

T-Minus 6 days

4 Working days left!  I'm so excited!  Beyond ready!  My creative energy is raging and I am on fire!  The farewell activities are set for a cake and goodbye party on Monday and a bar party on Tuesday.  Not what I would've chosen and a sign that I haven't completely let go of the fight.  None the less, it will definitely work.

My future is so uncertain even though I begin to understand aspects of it in small ways.  The things I do best are clear to me.  I'm a creative problem solver.  That message is coming through loud and clear.  The path is beginning to show itself.

Odd side story, my bosses boss takes a group of people to lunch every week for 3 weeks of the month.  I'm in group C.  His theory is that this is our one on one time even though there are 8-10 of us at a time.  It does work, it's fun but I'm not a huge fan of spending the money.  At any rate, let's just say that my last lunch was a bit awkward.  A good chance for me to not be obnoxious and step back and let the situation flow.  This is a milestone for me.  <wink wink>  I had a good time!  Hmmmm....let go of the fight??  HELL YES!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

T-Minus 7 Days

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011 will be my last day at a job I've held for almost two decades.  I'm at a cross-roads.  Please join me for the next few weeks as I document my journey.  I promise to write something on this blog every day.  Maybe the adventure I'm on can get you thinking about your own path.  So exciting!

Today I make the commitment to blog daily because I think I need it to survive!  It can help me focus and stay accountable for my choices.  It is also a way to increase my creative energy.  As you know I actively create my life so I need as much as I can get.  My next career will definitely include CREATIVITY! 

I welcome your feedback.  You have surely been in the job market and maybe even the unemployment line.  Shout out with comments and please be honest.  I may not agree but I want to consider all my options. 

It's so exciting to be 43, have an amazing husband, two amazing adult children and the whole rest of my life to look forward to.  I feel so blessed that I am free to figure out what the next chapter holds with no worries.  It's a huge blessing that it comes right at the holidays when I want to be at home more anyway!

Off I go!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Assume Nothing!

Thank God it's Friday!  My week has been very frustrating!  Please allow me to vent for a moment. 

The reaction from my coworkers about the news of my departure has been a mixed bag.  Most begin by asking where I'm going.  The reaction begins when they learn that I have not landed a job somewhere else yet.  Some are legitimately happy for my new adventure.  Some are flat pissed and feel like I'm abandoning them.  The latter is quite surprising to me.  It is arogance at it's finest!

Why arogance?  They are all assuming that this is completely within my control.  It is not.  It's a complicated situation.  Why assume that you know anything about it??? 

On the flip side, what if it were that simple?  Why be rude to me about it?  I was in a restaurant yesterday for a coworkers celebratory lunch with 12 others (who I thought were my friends).  One started in, another jumped in and then others and they ganged up on me saying "you just hate working with us so much you're leaving with no plan"?  My feelings were really hurt.  My emotions are running on high as it is but this was really difficult.  I'm sure they care for me but it stung. 

These people are clueless about my life.  This is a great lesson for all of us.  The way you feel about someone else's life is jaded by misinformation!  Don't jump on someone based on things you think you know.  It's an age old adage, ASSUME NOTHING! 
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The silence is over.

I'm finally free to speak about all this "CHANGE" I've been hinting to!  My career path has come to a fork in the road.  I'm leaving the position that I've held for almost 2 decades.  I would love to go into detail about the circumstances of my departure but I will refrain.  Just good ass covering, I don't need no legal trouble. 

My experience is one for the books.  I was nearly 25 when I was hired in 1993, my daughter was 3 and I was a solo parent.  We got bought out in 2007 and I was laid off and returned 4 months later to work for the new owners retaining my tenure.  I literally grew up in this company.  Needless to say that I have been working up to this for a while.  It's a tough thing to join the ranks on the unemployment line in this economy.  I trust my instincts and I'm a woman of great faith.  

The timing works out nicely since my kids are grown.  Of course, I have the most supportive husband on the planet (sorry to you other guys).  I feel incredibly liberated.  Not only liberated from a job I haven't felt passion for in quite some time, but also just plain free to do what I want.  I will miss collaborating with some of the most wonderful coworkers.  Some sour pusses that annoy me will not be missed.

Please join me on this journey.  Changing careers in ones 40s is bound to be a ride.  The biggest opportunity for me is to let go of fear and take this leap of faith.  Into the future I go, creating what I want in this chapter of my life.  Bon Voyage!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


There's a voice inside my head that says in a snotty childish whine "I wanna go fishing!".  I know, that's silly but that's how I feel.  I would rather be doing something else!  Do you ever feel like you just want to refuse to do what you know you have to do and throw a little tantrum?  That's me.  In my head, I lay down on the floor on my back and kick my feet around and yell NO!  I guess I must be a bit overwhelmed.  HA!  Understatement!

There's no way on earth I'm going to actually do it but it's fun to fantasize about it.  It brings a smile to my face.  I'm under a fair amount of pressure right now with some big transitions so my balance is way off.  I'm fighting being negative and it's just really challenging. 

Insomnia doesn't help and that's been an issue lately.  Melatonin helps put me out but then 3 hours later I'm wide awake.  Tylenol PM is good for about 4.  That's just not enough sleep!  Tonight I try Sleep by Nature Made, God help me I hope for 6!

Ok, I guess that was my tantrum.  I am kind of pounding the keys as I type it.  Thankfully, I'm easily amused and that helps.  My goal for tomorrow is to enjoy a few fantasy tantrums and just keep smiling. 

There, that should balance my positive energy a bit....right?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Rebel Without a Cause

I'm watching this James Dean classic for the first time as my hubby is next to me on the couch sick with a stomach bug.  I came in after 45 minutes but honestly I don't see what all the fuss is about.  Sure James Dean is a rebel and he wears it well.  Hot as hell and the perfect hair, scrumptious!!  His mannerisms in this movie bother me, the way he lays in the bushes or balances awkwardly on the hood ornament of his car is just a little creepy.

Enough for the movie review.  It's a classic, I'm enjoying it.  The message I love...it's again just what I needed.  Steppin' out, moving and shaking, bucking up against the bad guy.  Love it!

Don't stop bucking up people, that's all I'm saying.  Don't lose your passion, don't lose your individualism.  Just live your life and do the right thing for you.  It's better than doing nothing at all.  Be your own REBEL!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A change will do you good!

I love this song!  The beat is uplifting and the words are fun too.  The chorus gets stuck in  my head which is a blessing in disguise.  No words could be more apropos for me right now.  The world spins faster these days no doubt!

It's nice to be reminded that change is good!  Enjoy the video or not but whatever you do, embrace the change you are going through.  I heard someone talking about  2012 "strap yourself in, it's gonna be quite a ride we might as well enjoy it".  True That!

P.S.  Cool version of this song featuring Peter Stroud.  Nice!


Saturday, October 1, 2011

It's a FIRST!!!!

Kesa caught a gorgeous pink salmon this morning!  Not her first, but awesome none the less at around 6lbs.  I netted my very first fish today!!  I don't know how that happened.  I guess I just always fish with strong men around to handle the job.  I had no trouble at all.  My third dip scooped her in and it was PHENOMENAL!  So fun!! 

Then, watching the master fish filleter teach his little sis how to clean it when we got home was amazing!

Some say fishing is a waste of time.  It's a commitment.  If I want to create balance in  my life I have to take off before dawn now and then and go laugh and enjoy a creative adventure with the ones I love!  I must!

P.S.  I'm smoking the fish tomorrow and if I screw this up I would break Kesa's heart.  The only other time I smoked salmon wasn't that great so wish me luck!  I think I figured out what I did wrong.  Crossing fingers....


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Who let the cats out????

I LET THE CATS OUT!!  My cats are Chase and Yertail (Yert or Yerty)  After 11 years of indoor living, I strapped a tag around their necks and I flung the door open and let them OUT!  It has been the strangest pet transition I've ever been through. 

The main reason we made this decision is that these fat cats and I mean REALLY FAT cats are dying on our couch.  Chase runs around the house to burn off energy and frustration.  He slides across the wood floor, he's quite the adventurer.  Don't get me wrong, he's got a large hanging fat sack.  Yert hasn't run in many years.  When the dryer repair man arrives, he speed waddles straight to his bottom kitchen cabinet hiding spot.  He's my linebacker only not athletic.  It's bizarre!  So, they need exercise, it's settled!

Here's how it went (sorry for the blur):

Started out strong, Chase was happy as a clam!  Yert was really slow to come out. 

Yert's OUT!  This is literally 3' out the back door, he came this far several days in a row.  No further. 

The guys are chillaxin' on a hot summer evening.  It's so cute it makes me smile! 

 Yert has been exploring underneath the bushes for quite some time now and even venturing all the nooks and crannies.  The last time Bella (my grand baby dog) was over she lost a ball.  Yert found it and he's had hours of fun with it! 

Now that fall has arrived in true Seattle style, Yert is not going out as much.  He first experienced the rain a few days ago and he does not like it.  I can tell Chase doesn't love it but he's willing to put up with it. 

At first, the cats stayed inside our fence.  It was so great, I didn't have to worry about cars or where they were.  There are apparently several places where Chase can slide under the fence so those days are over.  Yert's too large to get through so he hasn't seen the front yard yet.  One morning Mark yelled "LAURA" from upstairs as he was watching Chase in the middle of the street having a good old fashioned face off with the neighbor cat.  His tail was about 6 inches in diameter but he came home unscathed.  The cars really scare me but what can  you do?  It's die in here on the couch or die out there...

I know alot of experts would tell me I'm crazy for doing this but I don't care.  When Yert first went outside I noticed that he has huge sacks of fluid around all 4 leg joints.  These were 4 inches across and 2 inches thick.  His waddle looked painful.  Well, I'm happy to report the swelling has gone down and he's walking better then I've ever seen him.  Also, when I open the door and call them in he has a cute new little trot.  It looks good on him.  I don't know how it all turns out or what will happen but I will never regret this decision.  Sometimes you have to do something that doesn't feel right to do the right thing.

My final thought...  I think it's really funny that they didn't know they could do their "business" outside.  It was summer so we left the door open and watched as they went in the house, visited the litter box and returned outside.  One night Chase refused to come in so we left him out there.  He was crying at the door in the morning and ran full speed to the litter box when I opened the door.  Now you know how he got his nick name 'Shit for Brains'.  I have since seen Yert go outside but I'm not sure if Chase has figured it out. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Unstable Footing

I was fishing yesterday on the Snohomish River with my Sister, Brother-in-law, Daughter and a dear friend.  We each navigated our way to find the best spot to stand along the rocky bank.  Here's Jen and Kesa's spot:

It was really challenging climbing around those unstable rocks.  Kesa had one shift on her and dumped her backwards onto another rock and into the river up to her waist.   She went down hard and it hurt!  Her cell phone was in her sweatshirt pocket and narrowly missed getting wet THANK GOD! 

My Sister and I were laughing about how old we felt because standing or sitting on the rocks challenged our 40 something bodies.  My back was hurting, her hips were sore, it was funny!  I said, "jeez I just don't do well on an unstable footing".  Then we laughed aloud when I said "AHA, My next blog"... 

Despite all that, we always have a blast no matter what we do and fishing adds a really cool new adventure!

I just don't do well when my feet are not on a level surface.  My step-son Lafe loves to have a board under his feet flying across the pavement or snow.  That's not for me.  I've tried skiing too but I'm just a chickenshit.  Part of it is fear which I think I could overcome but a big portion of it is that it's just not my thing.  There's nothing wrong with that.

So that's the literal translation but what about the transcendental translation?  During times of great change when uncertainty causes me to feel like I'm on an unstable footing it's not unsurmountable at all.  Regaining your footing in a mental, emotional or spirtual way can be effortless.  Some seek counsel, others meditate and some just fly off the handle and go bonkers.  I choose to maintain some semblance of grounding and be as aware and in charge of my footing as I can be most of the time.  Hell, I'm not perfect.  It has made a big difference in my life.  How can I not share?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Inspiration Respiration!!

Good Morning!

It is certainly hard to be a blogger when you have no computer!  My electronics have all suffered meltdowns but the good news is that I have a brand spankin' new laptop and I'm back bloggin' my brains out! 

In addition, I have been lacking inspiration in a big way lately.  There's so much change happening on the planet and in my life right now that it's intense!  Thank God for meditation!!!

Have you ever looked up the definition of inspiration?  From dictionary.reference.com 


a.  A divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul.
b.  The divine quality of the writings or words of a person so influenced.

If one is lacking inspiration doesn't that really mean that one has closed themselves off to the influence?  With inspirations all around us the door must be open to receive. 

My sister Jeanne inspired me by being an inspiration to others.  There's a concept.  Her inspiring others breathed life into me to be an inspiration and to be open to inspiration.  It's a beautiful cycle!  She is also a blogger.  In her blog she writes about her 45th birthday coming up.  She made a list of 50 things she wants to do before she turns 50 (the 50 before 50).  Now she is going gang busters knocking things off the list.  I was so fortunate to be there for the conquering of #8 on the list catching a fish.  She caught some trout so technically I wasn't there for the major first but I got to watch her catch her very first salmon.  She squealed with joy, it was so fabulous!

My niece Rebecca who is also a blogger has now made a list of the 30 things she would like to do before she turns 30.  She was inspired by Jeanne's quest and is taking that inspiration into her own life.  Now she is inspiring others with her quest.  This cycle is totally amazing!  The stone has been thrown in the pond and the ripples are far reaching!!

There was a game on facebook a few months ago called "pay it forward".  The first 5 people that commented on my status get something hand made by me within a year.  This inspired me because I love the idea that people are going to receive a gift and maybe they don't remember commenting all those months ago.  Who doesn't love a surprise!!!

Inspiration is like a kick start.  Each of us would be inspired by different things in different moments.  It doesn't even have to be a big thing.  Maybe a fine looking tomato in the grocery would inspire you to make salsa.  Perhaps watching a child tie her shoes for the first time inspires you to adopt a child.   Sometimes inspiration comes from within.  I think that's the best feeling when your divine influence is yourself! 

Wherever your inspiration comes from I hope you are inspired.  I'm really working hard in my life to be OPEN to inspiration.  With all the change surrounding me, I want to see opportunities in time to grab them up.  That is true inspiration.

I'm so thankful for Jeanne and Rebecca for their inspiration, I'm not sure I'll make a list but they sure inspire me to help them with their lists.  They both have skinny dipping on their lists so I'm crossing my fingers that I get to go on that adventure!!!



Sunday, August 21, 2011

European Adventure Part 2 - Food and Logistical Lessons

When traveling and eating in Europe it's anyone's choice how to get along.  You can eat local traditional foods or go to McDonalds for a Big Mac.  We opted for the local fare and experienced some amazing foods.  I don't have pictures of all the food so I borrowed some of these to illustrate my point.  German food is so delicious!!!

Here's a typical breakfast.  Meat, cheese, bread and jam.

These little rolls are the BEST!  Our hosts bought them first thing in the morning so they were melt in your mouth fresh.

You can't go wrong with the Curry Wurst.  It's quick, cheap and so good.  The sauce varies quite a bit from place to place but the brats and the curry powder on top never disappoints.

There are a number of ways to eat Schnitzel.  This is my personal favorite Jaeger Schnitzel.  So creamy and rich and soooo good.  I can't decide whether I like it more with chicken or pork but I can promise, it doesn't matter.

Here is the most decadent and traditional dish Rouladen.  It's meat rolled with bacon, onions, mustard and pickles inside.  OMG, this is soooo good!  We first experienced this years ago at my Sister in Law's house.  It is always served with potato dumplings and gravy over the whole nine yards.  The dumplings melt in your mouth!!

Here's Mark eating pig knuckle.  It was falling off the bone and melted in your mouth.  So good!

This was a late brunch in Berlin.  So excited to see eggs on the menu!

What is the problem with all this scrumptious German food?  Did you notice?  There's no vegetables to speak of.  I'm not sure how they do it.  Pickles, kraut and potatoes don't really count as vegatables and that's too bad.  There are salads on the menu but they're not traditionally German.  Note to self, next time I'm in Europe I will need to balance a bit.  Suffice it to say that it's hard to keep the digestive track moving on this type of diet.

One more note about food.  We saw some strange combinations of food in restaurants.  These were not fusion of the two just the choice of one or the other.  One day we chose a Mexican/Italian joint.  Our experience showed that you really can't do both well, better to focus on quality of one type of food.

Now let's talk about packing.  I researched how to pack light on a Europe trip.  Being a perpetual overpacker I amazed myself.  For two weeks I had one small suitcase and a back pack.  Mark carried a larger suitcase for bringing gifts home.  It worked great.  I made one stupid mistake.  I was very excited about vacuum packing my clothes in ziplock bags.  See:

This way of packing sucks, I would never do it again.  The one point I will have to concede is that on the way to Germany a small bottle of witch hazel exploded in my toiletry bag.  None of my clothes got wet!  It was such a hassle to figure out which bag the items I wanted were in.  Having a bunch of ziplocks along was nice but packing bricks of clothes was harder then just stacking folded clothes was.  Oh well, lesson learned.

For all you smokers out there, you will love Europe!  (I know, nasty habit).  You can smoke where ever you choose in Europe.  Here's a couple of examples:

Gotta love the airport smoking room!  I saw this moments after stepping off an 11 hour flight.  THANK YOU Frankfurt!  : )

Here's a smoking box in a restaurant.

The next post will be all about some fun highlights.  I'm anxious to show you a video of one of the coolest experiences ever!  Then I'll move on to some of the most touching moments celebrating lives that were lost or forever changed during the decades of war and religious persecution in Germany.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

European Adventure Part 1 - Changed Forever!

Home from our trip and I'm bursting with stories and experiences.  There are so many things I want to share that I will post about our trip again and again!  Some experiences defy words but I will do my best!

I want to start with the ways this trip has changed me.  I am forever changed!  Some of the influences are due to being completely impressed.  Others are just really cool or nice that I want to hang on to.

Let me begin with the environmental and conservation consciousness in Europe.  I'm completely blown away!  America could learn a ton from this way of life and could benefit from this way of thinking.  Germans don't use their clothes dryers.  They wouldn't dream of wasting that kind of energy.  Most have lines and drying racks outside for nice days but virtually all have them indoors for everyday use.  As I type this post I have about 4 loads of laundry strewn in  my back yard.  I'm researching online for just the right style of drying rack for my needs. Think of all the energy and money we will save!  It's way better for the clothes as well!!

Another example is the smart toilets.  You have a half flush option for #1 or a full flush in the case of #2.  This is not simply in some homes, it's everywhere.  Imagine the water they conserve!  One of the homes we stayed in uses rain water for both the toilets and the laundry.  Another home we stayed in had a large rain barrel installed with a complicated valve attached to the gutter down spout. 

The German's have the leading edge on wind energy.  We saw turbines on every route we took.  Wind power produces more then 7% of the country's power and it's ever increasing.  Not insignificant it employers more then 100,000 people.  The overall percentage of Germany's power that comes from renewable resources is almost 20% and employs over 400,000 people.  I felt inspired and motivated by these numbers although I'm skeptical that America will adopt this mentality anytime soon.  That makes me sad.

One thing I found peculiar was that there are not very many garbage cans around towns.  Especially in Berlin, it is dirty as hell.  This is so juxtaposed to the rest of the culture.  In malls or public places where you do find a garbage, you can recycle whatever you have as well.  It's just to bad they aren't more frequent. 

As I've seen before in Europe every single employee from Doctors to Grocery Baggers get 6 weeks off every year for vacation.  What on earth is wrong with America that we can't figure that one out?!  The quality of life is just better.  The German people go to great lengths to embrace traditions and celebrate every detail in life.  From special glasses for schnapps to candles lit everywhere in the home before dinner.  It's more work but it's so cozy, comfortable and special.  It's a mentality that prioritizes quality over quantity.  Hmmmmm....how many ways can I use this information to transform my life forever!

Finally, let's talk about transportation.  I'll post about driving on the autobahn another day (OMG, So fun!!!).  I want to talk about trains.  Have you ever looked at a train map of Berlin?  It looks like a spider web.  You can go anywhere in the city on a train.  In Seattle we don't have squat.  The B.A.R.T. in the Bay Area of California is extremely handy but you can only get to a general vicinity not to exactly where you want to go.  Once we took 3 different trains in a matter of 10 minutes, walked up the stairs and poof we were right where we wanted to be.  Most times we were within a few blocks of what we were looking for.  Again, America could learn from the Europeans. 

Pictures and more stories and impressions to come.  Thank you for sharing this wonderful adventure with me.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Keine Worte Konnen beschreiben....

"No words can describe" how I feel about Germany.  I'm on day 4 of 12 (full days) of this trip and I can't put words to it.  Staying with a friend, I have access to the internet.  I got on and thought 'my time is now I can finally blog'.  I just can't describe the experiences in the last few days yet.  I have a notepad in my backpack that already has a full page of rambling notes because I want to blog about it.  Also, it is such a whirlwind that I don't want to forget anything!  I want to savor every moment of this wonderful adventure!

I'm also exhausted so instead I will paraphrase my random thoughts in this particular moment:
  • I have been free all my life.  No communism, no religious persecution, home based war and no real and meaningful limits on my freedom.  I take so much for granted and that's arogance at it's finest.  There's no value in guilt and now would be a great time to let it go!  It's great to be alive and FREE and I will NOT take that for granted any more.
  • Driving 112 mph on the Autobahn ROCKS!!!  I will post pictures and describe this one in detail since it is mega important on the "bucket list" for me!!!  YAY that was sooo much fun!
  • I'm short in Germany.  I'm never short at 5'7 1/2".  I'm not tall but I'm never short.  Even living with Men 6'4" and 6'5" I never feel short.  On a train I was standing a good 2 inches shorter then the woman standing next to me when I realized she couldn't have been more then 15.  Neither a judgement or a regret...simply an odd feeling.
  • Our camera says we only have 1270 pictures left and I'm not sure that's enough.  That says it all....
  • Pickles are phenomenol!!  I didn't even realize that pickles were so German but trust me they are soooo freakin' good here it's indescribable.  I ate a chili pickle yesterday that burned my mouth for 20 minutes.  If you know how much I love spicy food you will know how big that statement is.  So freaking yummy I could SCREAM!
  • I have been wondering how many different ways there are to make Schnitzel.  I would like to spend a year finding out!!!
  • Beer is all good!  I keep drinking a different one that quenches my thirst in a new and different way.
Ok, enough for tonight.  I feel like the luckiest person alive.  The spell check on this computer highlights every word since I'm not writing in German.  Forgive me my errors for the time being.  Guten Abend (Goodnight!)

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Our Germany trip is finally here!!  It took forever and flew by at the same time.  I have never needed a break from work this badly!  It's been years since I took 2 full weeks off work and this time I get 2 1/2 weeks!!

So far there are no signs of my neurotic pre-travel panic attacks, this is a huge accomplishment!  I used to have these attacks starting about 48 hours before travel that lasted about 48 hours into a trip.  It's really quite embarrassing!  At first I thought it was the fact that we were leaving the kids behind.  I rationalized that it was fear that something would happen to us and leave our kids parentless.  Then it happened even when the kids were with us so I couldn't figure it out. 

In 2009 I had a bad case of it before heading to Copenhagen for work.  My poor workmate that I was travelling with had more than she bargained for!  The symptoms are difficult to describe, sharp pain in my stomach, heart racing, tunnel vision, coming out of my skin feeling and uncontrollable crying.  I feel bad for people I travel with, ha!  I remember one time we were going to Mexico about 12 years ago.  Our town car picked us up and I cried all the way to the airport.  Poor Mark made small talk with the uncomfortable driver who didn't know what to think.  After the Copenhagen trip, I prayed and meditated on it and somehow released it all together.  I discovered that it didn't really matter what was causing it, I needed to let it go!  Progress is WUNDERBAR!

So, here I sit just a few hours before 14 hours of travel to Berlin and I'm calm as a cucumber.  I'm not even fully packed yet!  Man, that says a lot!  I'm so excited for the adventure I'm about to embark on.  I'm beyond grateful for the MOST amazing travel partner!!

Here he is having a little fun with our Euros.  Mark makes me laugh all the time, we crack each other up.  He's the very best friend a girl could have!  I'm sooo blessed!!!

Wir sehen uns bald!  See you soon!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lost in Cyberland...

I miss blogging! I'm posting now from my phone, a total pain in the ars!!

My electronics are ALL on the fritz. Since my last post I can add an ipod and a washing machine to bite the dust. This is alarming! Four days til Germany so today we hauled a few loads to the laundrymat. Thirty minutes to wash while we had a libation at the most disgusting mexican joint around. I just have to LAUGH OR BE PISSED! Both are a healing but the laughter is more fun!! Thank God the dryer is working so I can chill out in the back yard!

It has been a whirlwind lately and I can't wait to tell you all about my journey. I'm not bringing a computer on the trip and turning off the smart aspect of my android phone. I think its probably over due shut down mode. I intend to write old school (on paper) and translate my adventure on a computer in the future or maybe even on the road...whatever's clever...as my kids would say.

Life is so good and I'm experiencing, growing, laughing and loving every day. I hope you are too!

Who knew that harnessing Anger and Amusement could be so healing!
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Thursday, July 21, 2011

The wrath of the Gods!!

You may have noticed that there has not been a post from me since this one on 7/13  Electronic Lamenting.  I sincerely regret my rant about electronics!  Here's what happened following my post:

  • The IT Temp at work wiped my computer blank by accident.
  • My personal laptop got 37 virus' in one single moment and is perhaps gone forever
  • I can no longer access my external hard drive even if I plug it straight into the laptop
  • My phone started acting up in a variety of ways
  • My DVR stopped working for 24 hours straight
  • My husbands car got broken into and our 35mm camera and his Garmin were stolen
  • A light that has been on in my car for months went out (now what, I'm scared!)
  • My copier at work broke you can't close the side door

How do I calm the wrath of the Electronic Gods???  I have sent up a thousand apologies.  Is there a sacrifice that would right this wrong?  Maybe I'm Kharmically stained for life!  Lord have mercy on my soul, I don't have the patience for this crap! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Electronic Lamenting

All these electronics are driving me crazy!!! 

It's too much!  We have two laptops that are almost 4 years old and upkeep and troubleshooting is a constant white knuckled challenge!  There was some kind of a virus on Mark's computer that is quarantined but the performance will never be the same and I have no idea where to start!

My android phone, computers, ipod, garmin, dvr, cameras etc the list goes on and on.  Sometimes my dvr just doesn't tape the show I programmed.  Out of nowhere my small camera's photos were too low resolution to upload or print.  I didn't change anything so what the hell? 

Do I really have to check and uncheck every single box on itunes for the items I want to load?  That takes for ever!  I want to be able to check and uncheck one artist or album at a time not song by song SHEESH!

My daughter says my android phone would run better if I consistently go in and delete my cache.  Really?  Couldn't you be a dear and come over every week and do it for me? 

Maybe there are better ways to do things, faster and more efficient or effective but I don't know what that might be.  I'm lost and confused!  Thanks for letting me vent.  The responsibility of being the electronics master of our family is daunting.  I don't feel like I know what I'm doing.  I'm lucky if I can find the right cord to try to sync up all these devices to the computer! 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Heigh Ho...Heigh Ho...

It's back to work I go!  Did you know that Heigh Ho was spelled like that?  I didn't, learning something new before 6am, great start to the day! 

The keep my attitude positive initiative is in full swing, here's my strategy:
  1. Focus on Germany!  I have a whole lot to look forward to so I'll let that be the calming force.
  2. Lots of amusement.  If I can keep laughing, I'll be better able to handle the politics and B.S.
  3. Ipod!!!  Keep the world around me to a minimum.
  4. Take care of some personal business.  You know that stack of phone calls that are hard to get to in the middle of a busy day.  I'm going to make time to check them off the list.
  5. Ground, Ground, Ground!  If you're not familiar it's a way to connect to the planet and also a great way to release energy.  Click here if you want to learn how: Learn to Meditate
I hope this works for a very relaxing, uneventful and yet productive day!  Ready....set???  GO!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

More Vacation Ramblings

Well it's the last day of my vacation.  This is usually a frustrating, depressing realization.  I can't complain because in just 18 short work days I'll be on vacation again only this time for 2 1/2 weeks.  No, I won't complain!!

I love wrapping vacation around holidays.  I only had 4 days off work but it felt like a lot more.  YAY!  It was a vacation about friends and family, those are the best!  I saw things I've never seen before and done things I've never done.  Last post, I talked about laughter and that was a huge part of this vacation.  I hope I don't stop laughing just because I'm going back to work!

When we got back from our short trip to Leavenworth Hubby had to go back to work.  For one day I hung out with our two good friends and then just one for a few days after that.  I had to swear that if I blogged about this time I wouldn't name names.  We had so much fun!  Some things like Pike Place Market are no brainer tourist activities that I can always enjoy!   We visited Jimi Hendrix's grave site which was different and fascinating.  One morning my friend was talking about seeing the Bothell Chicken and I was confused.  We googled it and then I felt silly.  The chicken stands tall on the highway that I drive on frequently, so often that I had stopped seeing it all together.  I never really checked it out so it was fun!  What a great time!  I don't remember promising not to post pictures so here it is with my friend who shall remain nameless:

As you know, my life is about balance.  This vacation has shifted my balance again.  I feel different then I did before.  The negativity about work has become glaringly obvious and that is something I can change.  My desire to expand my life in a different direction has become glaringly obvious, although what that means is not 100% clear yet. 

Here's my conclusion: When you step out of the normal routine you shift your perspective.  Most times, I shift right back to the day to day grind and routines poor attitude intact.  I'm making a commitment not to slide back into the same old frame of mind.  I'm going to keep some momentum going if it's the last thing I do!!  I'll let you know how it works...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Random Vacation Ramblings

There are a ton of things I like about being on vacation.  I love lazy mornings with no real agenda.  I love not getting gussied up and putting on make up.  Being with friends and family.  Dancing in the street (yes, I did).  I love when someone in a hotel has to scold us for laughing too loud, that is a sign of a fabulous time!

There is one thing I don't like about being on vacation.  Every vacation I take I have the same nagging thought 'I have to find a way to not work full time'.  Yea, pipe dream right?  There's no clear plan for me to change jobs but this year, I actually feel like it might be possible.  I don't love my job the way I used to so who knows.  A shift might be in the making somewhere in the future.

Vacation travel is always funny.  I'm a perpetual over-packer.  This weekend I went away for 3 days with almost nothing.  In comparison to the clothes I normally pack this was minimal.  I over-packed on my bathroom stuff, that's a vanity thing I'm learning to let go of.  I'm going to Germany in just less then a month so packing is going to be a real challenge.  This weekend was sort of a dry run, I would say fail but not epic fail.  HA!

What I love the most this vacation is the laughter.  I LOVE TO LAUGH and I have laughed more in the last week then in the month before that.  One night in Leavenworth we were sitting on a delightful deck around midnight.  There were 7 of us and we were chatting and telling jokes (there was alcohol flowing as well).  Mark told a joke or two and we all laughed.  I shared that he only knew those jokes because when he's grumpy I have taken to looking up jokes on my android phone to cheer him up.  My daughter grabbed her android and started reading jokes.  We laughed and laughed and laughed!! Most of the jokes are too raunchy for this blog, I apologize.  The hotel staff came and told us to be quiet.  The harder we tried to be quiet the harder we laughed.  This laughter was such a huge healing for my soul!  I can't describe how good it feels to laugh until you cry!!

Mark had to go back to work yesterday and we have 2 friends still visiting.  I love being the chauffeur and tour guide.  The time with friends and of course the laughter is awesome!  The memories are unforgettable! 

Friday, July 1, 2011

TruHealth Follow Up

Yesterday's post was about a store I love with an owner that has been rude to me on a number of occasions:  Here's my money...where's my respect?  I do LOVE this store!  It's well organized, chalked full of great stuff with reasonable prices.  I was fed up with being treated poorly so I vented it.  I went one step further and sent a link to the blog to the store. 

I am thrilled to report I received a very nice e-mail back from the owner.  She apologized and seemed to really take responsibility for being rude.  She seemed to really hear the feedback!!  That's huge!  I won't post the entire message but here's a portion:

"Thank you for all the nice things you said about my store and for being a TruHealth customer.......With knowledge comes responsibility, and being human, I know I am more than lacking in living up to that responsibility........I am working on this topic for myself and I thank you for bringing it to my attention."

As I said, this is not the first time she had been rude to me but for some reason it stuck with me.  I contemplated never shopping there again but that's not what I truly wanted.  Also, my feelings were hurt and I wasn't sure why.  I couldn't let it go.  I meditated long and hard and even asked God "why can't I let this go".  I heard a loud answer back "you are meant to speak out about this".  So I did.  She needed to hear it, I needed to say it.  Maybe you guys needed to hear it too. 

I don't know what to expect next time I go in.  I can't quite imagine we'll hug it out.  It felt good to get this off my chest and I'm relieved in the knowledge that I won't be treated rudely again.  After I posted yesterday I told my husband that he would have to shop there incognito if I got banned for life!  : )  Thank God that didn't happen. 

The message here is two fold:  1.  Speak up!  Say what you see and communicate what you can and cannot tolerate.  Others need to hear it too.  2.  Listen to yourself!  If you're hanging onto something, there might be a reason.  It's all part of TRUE Health!!

THANK YOU TruHealth for being gracious and understanding about this.  Everyone stop by, the store is on the corner of 180th and Bothell-Everett Highway in Bothell.  I promise, you'll go crazy!  Don't miss their delicious selection of chocolate bars!!! YUMMY!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Here's my money....where's my respect?

Dear Entrepreneurs, If I spend money in your establishment I expect to be treated with respect!  That's not so much to ask is it?

There is a delightful health food store within a mile of my house called Tru Health.  I LOVE this store!  It is wall to wall with a wide array of healthy food, vitamins, supplements, herbs etc.  You can find the obscure items very quickly.  The prices are very reasonable as well.  I have been depositing money into their cash register for years. 

The owner has vast experience and training in all things health.  Unfortunately, she is judgemental and condescending.  It's really quite unfortunate, because she knows what she's talking about!!

When I went in this week, I asked the guy behind the counter about my photo sensitivity (it's a sun allergy that causes severe break outs on my arms).   He asked me to wait while he went to get her.  I have been dealing with this for years so I brought with me the chemical laden sunscreen which is the only one I've ever found that works.  I also brought with me the prescription strength ointment.  I thought by bringing the "bad" versions of what works the best, she would be able to help me find natural solutions in her store. 

She wigged out on me.  She said "that stuff is all chemicals, you're not going to find that here".  To which I replied "that's why I'm here".  She was curt and short with me.  She quickly pointed to two sunscreens and then a third option in a bottle that she had made.  She told me that this was the one she uses for herself and for her son (although she doesn't have the allergy that I do).  She reminded me again "I would never use one of those" to which I replied again "that's why I came in".  She announced in a mean tone that I needed more antioxidants and turned on her heels and disappeared.  WOW, I was stunned!  The guy behind the counter seemed to recognize the energetic beating she just gave me and was much kinder and nicer as he took me to the antioxidant isle and explained skin, uv rays and supplements.  And yes, I got out my wallet and handed over another $60.

I'm not a total healthful kind of person, I know this sounds insane to people like this woman.  I love to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and eat junk food some of the time.  I'm shooting for balance.  I have no desire to live a "perfectly healthful" life.  If I can replace some of my chemically laden products I will.  I live way more healthfully now then I ever have in my life.  Partially due to this store and their products. 

Please note that I'm not talking behind this woman's back, I intend to e-mail a link to the store.  I want to continue to spend my hard earned money in that store often.  I just want to be respected.  I just want to be able to ask a question and get an answer that is neutral and kind.  Is that so much to ask in return for being a loyal customer?

Click here to read a follow up to this story

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sick and Tired

Just a short blog this morning.  I have one thing to say.  I'm sick and tired.  I'm asking myself "why bother?" a lot lately.  Maybe it's my age or a phase in my life.  I don't see this as a negative.  It's time to question the choices I'm making with more scrutiny.  I've been told lately that I have an attitude problem.  At first I said "no I don't!" emphatically.  Now, I have to admit it, I definitely do!  I'm sick of this shit!

The problem?  I take on too much.  I leap in and bend over backwards to solve the problem or get the task done.  I often find myself being told that I overstepped my boundaries.  Really?  I thought it was helpful but someone wanted it done a different way, needed control or wanted to take the credit.  God forbid I would step on any ones toes.  You want to do it yourself?  Fine by me!

Screw the "take one for the team"!!  I'm sick and tired of doing that.  I'm sick of working long hours and putting in my all and not getting anything in return.  I'm done with that. 

Join me, won't you?  Take a long look at your life.  Who are the sucklings draining every ounce of your energy?  Where are you productive, helpful and appreciated?  That's where we should spend our energy.  Ask yourself "WHY BOTHER?"  If you can't answer, then DON'T BOTHER!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Ok, listen carefully...this is very important!  THERE IS NO PERFECT BRA!  I guarantee it and that means something as I have done my research and then some!  After 6 bra fittings, I write this post in the most comfortable bra I've ever owned.  It's not "good", but I think it might work.  It has a BIG job balancing these giant bazoombas!  I'm sorry if I'm being too forward or revealing too much.  I am NOT going to post photos (although you know I thought about it).  I'm not thrilled but I like this one and it was very inexpensive. 

Thank you goes to Virginia's in Marysville, WA!  This is an odd little place.  I almost drove by it, a manufactured home on the outskirts of an industrial part of Marysville.  It's owned by a woman and run by her twin granddaughters.  I didn't meet Virgina but her granddaughter read me well.  They don't have a large selection and all sales are final.  They will customize the size with alterations although I didn't need that.  I bought one bra that is questionable but the one I'm wearing right now works.  The prices were amazing, really reasonable!

I'm not doing summersalts but I'm in the most comfortable bra I've ever worn.  THAT IS FANTASTIC! 

This is only day 1 so I'll let you know but so far I'm batting 1 for 2 at Virginia's.  If I still feel this way in a few days I'll order this one again.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Feline Fun!

I have said it before but I must say it again.  My cats are crazy lunatics!  I love them dearly!  I've been playing a game with my cats every single day for years and I want to share it with you for two reasons.  First, because it's strange and hilarious!  Secondly, my hope is that one of my readers will have knowledge of video surveillance.  I would LOVE to see this game in action and I have not been able to. 

Here's how the game works.  There are two small stuffed animals.  Wherever I put them they always return them to the entry hall.  I kick them under the pool table, place them on top shelves, hide them behind the bathroom door and it never fails, the cats return them to the front hall.  Don't believe me?  Here's proof.  These photos were taken over a period of 3 days.

Look closely, the brown one is on the front rug.

Just one this time.

This is Yert (short for Yertail), he likes to be seen with the dolls but never touching them.

Oops, Chase is busted with the evidence!

Later that same evening...

Early the next morning...

I took this one a few months ago.

It's nutso man, who knew that cats were so smart when they seem so dumb.  There is another thing I would love to see on video.  Every evening when I'm walking home, Chase sits on the pool table looking out the front window.  He's hungry and waiting for me to come home and feed him.  As soon as I come into sight in the front lawn, he gets so excited he turns in a full circle before jumping off the table.  It is the funniest thing, like he's twirling with joy!

If you know about nanny cams or any other way for me to capture this feline mayhem that happens while I'm not looking, let me know.  It would probably go viral!!