Friday, January 21, 2011

My Girls

Sorry to the Guys, I'll show you some love another time. I want to salute the ladies in my life!

I'm so fortunate to know a wide variety of amazing women. My Mother and four Sisters obviously made a huge impact on my perspective of females. The six of us couldn't be more different from the way we look, speak, the choices we've made in our lives and even who we chose for partners. It's a fascinating thing that we're not more alike. Not that I want us to be the same, I would've thought that growing up together we would've rubbed off on each other more.

My Daughter Kesa has grown into a beautiful, smart, adventurous Woman! I know we look a lot alike and we do have so many similarities. She is her own person, so unique and creative! She has been one my best teachers over the last 20 years! I'm beyond proud!

This weekend I'm road tripping to Vancouver with two of my best Girlfriends Jen and Ali for a Canucks game. The three of us couldn't be more different as well! The time we spend together is never dull, in fact it's lively and fun! They are both scientists so they lose me sometimes but I have learned so much from them (not just about science). These women accept me as I am, tease me, entertain me, make me laugh and love me unconditionally.

At work, in my spiritual community and in my extended family I am surrounded by amazing women! I mean no disrespect for Men, cause you KNOW I love my Men! There's just something about the women in my life that bring me so much joy!

Cheers Ladies, I'm so grateful for you!!!


AndreaMR said...

Ah good. I figured out how to comment on here. Women are so important to our lives. A shared perspective on life. I'm so happy to have you and the other women in my life there. Thanks for sharing.

Laura Petersen said...

Amen Andrea - SUPER happy to have you in my life!