Thursday, July 7, 2011

Random Vacation Ramblings

There are a ton of things I like about being on vacation.  I love lazy mornings with no real agenda.  I love not getting gussied up and putting on make up.  Being with friends and family.  Dancing in the street (yes, I did).  I love when someone in a hotel has to scold us for laughing too loud, that is a sign of a fabulous time!

There is one thing I don't like about being on vacation.  Every vacation I take I have the same nagging thought 'I have to find a way to not work full time'.  Yea, pipe dream right?  There's no clear plan for me to change jobs but this year, I actually feel like it might be possible.  I don't love my job the way I used to so who knows.  A shift might be in the making somewhere in the future.

Vacation travel is always funny.  I'm a perpetual over-packer.  This weekend I went away for 3 days with almost nothing.  In comparison to the clothes I normally pack this was minimal.  I over-packed on my bathroom stuff, that's a vanity thing I'm learning to let go of.  I'm going to Germany in just less then a month so packing is going to be a real challenge.  This weekend was sort of a dry run, I would say fail but not epic fail.  HA!

What I love the most this vacation is the laughter.  I LOVE TO LAUGH and I have laughed more in the last week then in the month before that.  One night in Leavenworth we were sitting on a delightful deck around midnight.  There were 7 of us and we were chatting and telling jokes (there was alcohol flowing as well).  Mark told a joke or two and we all laughed.  I shared that he only knew those jokes because when he's grumpy I have taken to looking up jokes on my android phone to cheer him up.  My daughter grabbed her android and started reading jokes.  We laughed and laughed and laughed!! Most of the jokes are too raunchy for this blog, I apologize.  The hotel staff came and told us to be quiet.  The harder we tried to be quiet the harder we laughed.  This laughter was such a huge healing for my soul!  I can't describe how good it feels to laugh until you cry!!

Mark had to go back to work yesterday and we have 2 friends still visiting.  I love being the chauffeur and tour guide.  The time with friends and of course the laughter is awesome!  The memories are unforgettable! 

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