Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lost in Cyberland...

I miss blogging! I'm posting now from my phone, a total pain in the ars!!

My electronics are ALL on the fritz. Since my last post I can add an ipod and a washing machine to bite the dust. This is alarming! Four days til Germany so today we hauled a few loads to the laundrymat. Thirty minutes to wash while we had a libation at the most disgusting mexican joint around. I just have to LAUGH OR BE PISSED! Both are a healing but the laughter is more fun!! Thank God the dryer is working so I can chill out in the back yard!

It has been a whirlwind lately and I can't wait to tell you all about my journey. I'm not bringing a computer on the trip and turning off the smart aspect of my android phone. I think its probably over due shut down mode. I intend to write old school (on paper) and translate my adventure on a computer in the future or maybe even on the road...whatever's my kids would say.

Life is so good and I'm experiencing, growing, laughing and loving every day. I hope you are too!

Who knew that harnessing Anger and Amusement could be so healing!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.3

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