Sunday, May 1, 2011

Garage Sale!

We had a garage sale yesterday.  It was a beautiful plan, Kesa and I would run the sale while Mark prepared the vegetable garden for planting.  It was a decent day although the cloudy moments were freezing!  We didn't sell as much as we had hoped but we made a bit of money. 

There was an extremely startling and frightening 15 minutes during the day that is the highlight of this story.  A man came in with a large handgun tucked into the front of his pants.  It was covered by his coat until he reached out to pick something up.  When he bent to look at something, I noticed a second gun tucked in his jeans on the side.  My first order of business was to make sure Kesa was aware.  As soon as our eyes met, I knew that she was.  No words were necessary.  The second thing I did was to make a loud point of taking the money from Kesa and putting it in my pocket.

Who carry's weapons like that at a garage sale???  I am NOT a gun person, they scare me and I don't want them on my property.  This guy was weird but kind in a strange way.  He seemed to stay forever.  He took calls on his cell phone, chatted with us and wandered around.  Other people were coming and going but he stayed. The longer he stayed, the more I was convinced he was planning something and waiting for the right moment.

I moved around strategically making certain that I was in between him and Kesa.  I was so terrified, my skin went clammy and I was shaking.  I was also in a heightened state of awareness.  I felt oddly prepared for him to pull that weapon.  Hands to my sides, I eyeballed items that could be used against him on the tables around me. Once again Mama Bear was going to protect her kid at all costs!

I have never in my life been so grateful for a truck to pull up with our good friend Nate (who's also a very large, strong guy).  I walked quickly over to hug him and I whispered in his ear "this guys packin' heat".  His response was "yea, I noticed right away".  His presence made us feel so much safer.  Such a relief!!  Thank God for Nate!

So the guy bought some items and left.  I don't know if his plan was foiled or if he had no plan at all. I'm so glad nothing happened.  We exploded into nervous laughter when he left and we thanked our lucky stars!!  Mark was surprised it all happened with him just on the other side of the fence.  Kesa didn't want to leave me alone with that guy to go get him.

Anyway, that was the most exciting thing that happened yesterday.  Even though we didn't make a lot of money it was so much fun to hang out with Kesa the entire day!  We haven't done that in far too long!  Except for that 15 minutes, it was a delightful day!!


Claire Kathleen said...

Hello Aunt Laura! I just started following your blog! how fun! I sporadically blog @
hello to the family!
xoxo, Claire

Laura Petersen said...

Thanks so much Claire! I will sure check yours out, can't wait!! Hello to your family as well!