Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sick and Tired

Just a short blog this morning.  I have one thing to say.  I'm sick and tired.  I'm asking myself "why bother?" a lot lately.  Maybe it's my age or a phase in my life.  I don't see this as a negative.  It's time to question the choices I'm making with more scrutiny.  I've been told lately that I have an attitude problem.  At first I said "no I don't!" emphatically.  Now, I have to admit it, I definitely do!  I'm sick of this shit!

The problem?  I take on too much.  I leap in and bend over backwards to solve the problem or get the task done.  I often find myself being told that I overstepped my boundaries.  Really?  I thought it was helpful but someone wanted it done a different way, needed control or wanted to take the credit.  God forbid I would step on any ones toes.  You want to do it yourself?  Fine by me!

Screw the "take one for the team"!!  I'm sick and tired of doing that.  I'm sick of working long hours and putting in my all and not getting anything in return.  I'm done with that. 

Join me, won't you?  Take a long look at your life.  Who are the sucklings draining every ounce of your energy?  Where are you productive, helpful and appreciated?  That's where we should spend our energy.  Ask yourself "WHY BOTHER?"  If you can't answer, then DON'T BOTHER!

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