Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vacation Day 2 - Are you in motion?

As morning breaks I'm assessing the progress I made yesterday.  It was a great balance between work and rest.  Organized closets and the kitchen pantry.  Rested and relaxed and enjoyed time with my family.  Ahhhh.

Day 2 of my vacation is filled with commitments outside the home.  My volunteer work brings me joy and helps me to balance what I give and receive in my community.  I'm so thankful that my skills and talents fit well to help the progress of a non-profit organization.  Not too much planned for the home improvement projects today.

I was talking to a very wise woman once during a dark period in my life.  What she said stays with me to this day "If all you can do is shuffle your feet next to each other, you're still moving forward.  It's when you stop moving forward that you will get stuck."  That's so true!  This is not literal, rest is so beneficial to our bodies and spirits.  To me this is about being on a path and always being in motion.  If you're not on a path, where are you?  If you're on a path but not moving forward, you are stuck.

I'm not interested in telling anyone which path to choose or examine good and bad.  If you look around you will see so many people on so many paths.  One thing that doesn't work for me is to get married and "become one" and "share the same path".  I can be married and remain my unique self.  There's only room on my path for me!  Mark knows this and agrees.  Our marriage is best when we are separate both moving forward on our own paths.  Again, don't take that literally. 

I'm not really sure why this is on my mind today but it is.  Balance is always on my mind.  I'm beginning to connect the concept that balance requires motion and motion requires balance.  I'm so thankful for this break from my routines to sit and ponder these and many other things.


Anonymous said...

Same with me & my husband, Dan. We support each other in our individual growth. It's always worked for us. I don't need him.. I just really like him.. he makes me laugh and knows my every mood. For me, that's deep love.

I don't share everything with him tho.. especially when I'm not too happy with him. some things are just best shared with my best friend who is able to look at things from outside my head. :0)

Love your blog, Laura !

Laura Petersen said...

Thanks Ann! Glad you like it.