Are there things on your mind you do not say aloud? Come on, you know you want to say. No, you want to SHOUT it. So do I. Ethics, morals, the golden rule and a million other rules keep us from ever going up to someone and saying how we see it.
I'm an exception, for the most part, I speak my mind. The older I get the less I do it because dealing with people's reactions or their '
feelings' is a pain in the ass. At work, it is seriously frowned upon even if they taut the value of being "transparent" they don't really like it at all!
So, let's do it! In here we're safe. Let's shout it out and get it off our chests! For once in our lives, let's announce NEWSFLASH and tell it like it is. Here, I'll get us started:
NEWSFLASH Safeway checker dude, I don't give a damn what you had for breakfast. Your hands work faster when your mouth is shut and I have places to go so zip it!
NEWSFLASH Bicycling Mom I saw yesterday. If your son has training wheels, he should NOT be riding in the bike lane on a 5 lane highway where the speed limit is 45 mph!! DUH!
NEWSFLASH Gal at the bus stop. You are far too large to wear leggings with a mini skirt. Are you noticing the way people are looking at you? By the way, where the hell do you work that you can dress like that? Nevermind, I don't want to know.
NEWSFLASH Lady with the sour puss and whiny voice. No one is ever going to listen to you. No one!
NEWSFLASH Facebook game loving friends, I have no nails for your barn!!! I blocked the game for a reason so posting it on my wall really pisses me off!!
NEWSFLASH Bitch that stole my 3 hole punch at work. Do you think I don't see it on your desk? I'm the buyer and I don't recall buying one for you in the last few days...Ummmm DUH!!!! Seriously?
See, I feel better already! I definitely should have spoken up about a few of these listed above. Others are not my business. It still feels good to get it off my chest! Here's your chance, please share yours below.