Sunday, April 10, 2011

Worst Waiter Ever

I suck at waiting!  I'm a very impatient person in all aspects of my life, however that's not what I'm talking about today.  When someone is in crisis or danger, there's nothing I can do to help and I have to wait for more news, I lose my damn mind!  Playing cribbage is the only thing I've found that can distract me from this hell.

A very good friend had open heart surgery on Friday.  All day I struggled to concentrate at work.  Around 4pm we got news that he had taken a turn for the worse and had been brought back into surgery.  For 3 hours, I waited for news.  I paced around, I stared at my cell phone and emotions bubbled furiously in my belly.  My dear husband finally distracted me with a game of cribbage.  We got good news that he was stable a short time later.

This was so reminiscent of a Sunday afternoon last summer.  I received a paniced call from my Mother saying that she heard on the news that a woman had been killed at the ice caves on Big Four Mountain.  I remember my confused long pause before saying "yes, and??"  She then informed me that my daughter had posted on facebook a few hours earlier that they were heading there.  OH MY GOD!  There's no cell service that far out of town so I had to wait for a couple of hours before hearing her beautiful voice telling me she was ok.   

We learned later that she and her friends arrived at the trailhead just after the emergency vehicles so they couldn't go up the trail.  Not knowing the details of what happened or that we were worried, they went to a nearby lake and had their picnic.  I was so upset and paniced I called everyone I could think of that might know who she was with so we could call their cell too.  I created this cascade of her friends all as worried as me. 

The reports on the internet just made things worse, saying a women in her 20's was killed (later we learned she was 11).  I thought it was possible that my baby was gone.  I can't describe it.  Once again, my husband said let's do something so we played cribbage.  Every time he was shuffling and dealing I dialed her phone then her boyfriends phone again and again.

I hate waiting...


Timothy and Jeanne Hisey said...

I thought this was going to be a post about poor restaurant service. HA HA! I'm with's just too hard to wait...especially for things like news. I love you! J.

Laura Petersen said...

I'm sorry but that was the plan. I'm so easily amused these days! Haha.