Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Presidential Hand Me Downs

I saw this story and it cracked me up so I had to share.  Sasha Obama wore a dress on Easter that was seen on her older sister Malia back in 2008.  **GASP** 

I think it's funny that this is even newsworthy.  The Blogger commented that it was a "good call from Mrs. O."  First, this is the most normal presidential family ever and I love that!  Secondly, I think it's great that they don't care if it's been seen before.  Third and finally, who among us didn't wear hand me downs?  I remember waiting for certain items to be outgrown and passed on to me.  Praying they wouldn't be too well worn when they got here.  Haha those were the days!

This here is a very lovely dress.  It looks beautiful on both girls.  I'm glad this made the headlines.

1 comment:

Andrea Roberts said...

I guess "normal" is a very subjective term ;) However, there is no good reason that even children of the President cannot wear hand-me-down clothes. I commend them for that.