Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter is weird...bah humbug!

I hope you had a joyous Easter!  I tend to be a scrooge and this post will surely prove that.  Sorry, it's not sac religious as much as it is just general scrooginess. 

I wish we celebrated for 5 days like some European Countries because I would be in bed right now. 

I notice that everyone celebrates in a different way.  I think that's great!  For me a wonderful service and potluck at our church and a quiet day at home was just perfect!

I love my birth family very much but the holiday celebrations are a bit overwhelming for me.  There are on average 30-50 people, some of whom I don't know.  I went to Easter last year and it was fun.  There's no way I'm going to sacrifice my body for the adult fight to the death easter egg hunt.  It's always just a bit too loud and raucous for me.  I'm sorry if that hurts any one's feelings.  I think everyone knows it but I have yet to say it aloud.  I must own it.  It has nothing to do with my love for them!  I think they know that I'm good for a couple full gatherings a year.

Snohomish County residents should be aware that on Easter, their hard earned tax dollars were spent paying 3 sheriffs to sit in their cars outside the Catholic Church near my house.  Apparently they were there to monitor traffic.  Since they were in their cars and not out on the street I'm not sure what the concern was.  They were there on Christmas Eve and Christmas as well.  I will admit, I don't care for it.  I think the church should pay for their own security or traffic monitoring.  I sure as hell don't want to pay for it!!  Maybe what I'm pissed about is how long it takes them to arrive at the scene of an actual crime. 

Easter food is scary!  Cadbury eggs are fairly good but they make me sick after just one.  Peeps should be outlawed just because they're gross.  There's no way I would put one of those in my mouth.  I would however watch it blow up in a microwave, that is pretty fun.  I will consume the ham!  So Yummy!

As for the Easter Message, yes I'm a Woman of faith.  My beliefs may be a little far reaching from the traditional message.  Suffice it to say I celebrated Jesus' Resurrection yesterday and I will leave it at that.


Andrea Roberts said...

Laura, churches always pay off-duty officers for traffic control and such. That was not paid for by city taxpayers. My neighbor, who is State Patrol, does all kinds of crowd and traffic control offduty. Hope that helps you feel a tiny less scroogy :) Hope you had a blessed Easter!

Laura Petersen said...

I thought they couldn't be in uniform or in their patrol cars if they did it off duty? No?