Tuesday, November 22, 2011

T-Minus 1 Day

I'm writing this one early in the morning because I'm going to the bar at 3pm with a bunch of workmates.  I know I won't be in blogging shape after that. 

I'm so thrilled to be able to share this creative project with you!  As I mentioned, my daughter is one of my best teachers.  We made two blankets to give to our good friends Sean and Brad.  They are moving across country and they now have something warm and cozy to remind them of us.  So awesome!  Here's the pictures! 

Here's Kesa getting the corner tied just right.  That pool table has served as a place to lay fabric out on more than one occasion!

Here we are tying our brains out.  There's a particular way to tie it so that all the patterned sides of the bows come up to the plain side and vice versa.  That takes some getting used to but then you just tie and tie and tie!  And talk and laugh and be together.  Oh yea and sip some wine.

The finished product!!  They are quite beautiful!

The guys love them as you can see! 

It was such a perfect gift, a great way to spend an afternoon and an awesome distraction from the thing that has been consuming my thoughts.  Creative energy is the best!!

1 comment:

laura said...

I LOVE THESE!!! I especially love the "sip some wine" part! Seriously, though.....LOVE!!!