Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Alright, now I have your attention!  Today I'm going in for my annual mammogram.  No, it's not fun and no I don't enjoy it but it's a must do!  Your monthly self breast exam is also a must do!  In January I will celebrate my 14th year being free of cervical cancer.  My cancer was discovered during a routine annual exam at the OB/GYN.  I have a friend who found colon cancer getting a colonoscopy just because he turned 50. 

THIS IS IMPORTANT PEOPLE!  Whoever you are, whatever you do, please do your screenings! 

This reminder comes at a good time while the Movember fund raiser is coming to a close.  That campaign not only raises money but also awareness to Men's cancers.  I think that's great!  Way to go Guys!

It's not just about the Boobies and the Balls, it's about health!  I could live without my breasts.  I hope not to but my life is worth more to me than any sum of parts. 

If you are not up to date with your routine exams, I issue you a challenge:  Get up to date by year end.  That gives you a month.  Hopefully you will be healthy but if not, hopefully you catch it early. 

Be safe and take care of your body, it's the only one you will have this time around.

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