Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I want more...Day 3

Here's a question for us: 

Can we receive the things we want?

I tell you what, receiving is tricky business!  I can give all day but to receive is a much bigger challenge.  Receiving from myself is even more difficult.  As a Mother, I tend towards giving until I collapse, it's in my blood.  Now that our kids are older I am learning to put myself first.  This is one of the reasons for this I want more... challenge.  In order to balance this, I have to know what it is that I want.

Writing these things down has helped me to keep it at the forefront and follow through on it.  It's very much a new habit of nurturing myself the way I did my children.  Fascinating turn of events!

Yesterday I posted that I wanted more time spent outdoors.  Due to my car accident I've been riding the bus to and from work.  This means about 3 miles of additional walking each day.  Turns out I love it!  Fodder for this blog abounds when out in the public on foot.  When you drive your car, it's like floating through the city.  When you are walking, even if you have an ipod screaming in your ears, you speak and interact with the people around you.  The main thing this did was give me so much more time to focus on me.  Receiving this exercise, time for pondering, interacting with strangers is amazing!

Today, I want more...
  • Music that is new to me
  • Friendly interactions that make me smile
  • Relaxation (Thank you K Baby, I love that one so I borrowed it)
How about you?

1 comment:

Timothy and Jeanne Hisey said...

Today I want more:
*Time - with my family, to get stuff done, to breathe.

*Balance - all my balls juggled handily looking easy as pie. J.