Saturday, March 12, 2011

I want more...Day 6

This morning I'm thinking about change.  Change is the only constant thing we can depend on right?  Change can be frightening but it brings me joy!  It proves that life is moving forward and that the path you're on is going somewhere.  Of course, the flip side is having to let go of the familiar and sentimental and leaving precious things behind you.

Long ago, when we moved into this house, we let our kids paint their rooms anyway they wanted them.  Here's the strip of hand prints my daughter chose.  They are four different colors and five different sizes.  The hands belonged to my daughter, myself, my husband, our son and some girl who's name I can't remember (sorry).  Creating them was so much fun and even though they have drips and imperfections, to me they are a thing of beauty.

My daughter moved out almost 3 years ago so it's time now to repaint and repurpose the room.  It's only appropriate that we prime over them together as a team.  She's so stinkin' cute isn't she?  Man, I love this girl!!!!

I know, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal painting over some hand prints.  To us though it was almost like grieving.  We were a little sad and melancholy but we moved on and now they're gone.  We will carry the memories of the hand prints with us forever!  In fact we made some new memories painting over them!

Today, I want more...
  • Precious memories
  • Joy
  • Change
Keeping it simple!  Have a lovely day!

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