Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Weather Schmeather

How can you tell a native who was raised in the Pacific Northwest?  We are the ones walking in the rain with no umbrella.  That said, we also don't buy coats without hoods.  I was walking across campus yesterday in the pouring rain and a coworker yelled "where's your umbrella?".  My response was "I was born here!"  He laughed and yelled back "put up your hood at least".  Yes, I was wearing a coat with a hood and it never occurred to me to use it.

If you take my family out of the equation, about 85% of the people I know are from somewhere else.  We natives are the minority.  The trouble for me are the folks who bitch about the weather, especially the rain.  I find it amusing how a lot of people complain when it's raining and then come August they complain about the heat!  I find that kind of annoying too.  I believe I'll respond from now on by screaming "If you don't like the rain get the hell out of Seattle you idiot!". 

The other thing about us natives is that we don't have a clue how to drive in true winter weather.  Half inch of snow cripples the streets here.  I'm no exception, believe me!  Just the other day I plowed into someone on the icy streets.  Generally speaking we have very mild winters so how would I know how to drive on ice?  I'll walk next time.

I would not change the weather in this state for anything on the planet!  I'll put up with the rain any day of the week.  How else are you going to be surrounded by lush gorgeous beauty like this:


Timothy and Jeanne Hisey said...

The weather has been crazy lately...but so it goes. :)

Nicole said...

100% with you.
I love the PNW for all the reasons a native would. That includes the rain. Granted, I take vitamin D supps shortly after Thanksgiving ;) and I LOVE sunshine when we see it.
But, the balance is evident in the scenery out my window, on my drive to work, and my deep appreciation for "seasons" - in all aspects of life :)