Sunday, March 20, 2011


As promised in my second blog I will take a moment to pay homage to the men in my life!  I love you guys!!

The guys I live with, Hubby Mark and Son Lafe are wonderful!  They are both very tall and can change light bulbs by reaching up.  So cool.  They have habits that would never fly with women like stealing each others clothes.  If we encounter a bridge on a hike, they climb under it to see how it's built with fascination and excitement.  They are amazing cooks, make me laugh and are incredibly understanding of my girlish quirks.

I have no brothers, although I have 9 brothers-in-law.  They are diverse, interesting and always willing to help me out.  I have called them to help me move and fix things.  I still tease two of them for destroying my favorite couch on one move.  Having brothers is fun!

My Dad was the only man in our house with six women.  He always makes us laugh but ultimately he is the Patriarch to be reckoned with.  If all six of us are yelling at each other, he need only say "STOP" and you bet we will!   

I was having lunch with two of my guy friends last week and they talked about being "whipped".  They love their spouses very much but they have been programmed to believe that the wife wears the pants and their freedoms disappeared when they said I DO.  They said that "guy time was a thing of the past"  One even said "if you are giving more then you are receiving, then you know your in the safe zone".  Oh my god, what the????

Go ahead and ask my Husband, he's not whipped.  I have to admit, this concept is so foreign to me.  I don't want Mark to tell me what to do and limit where I go.  Nor do I want to spend every second of my life with him.  Giving more then you receive is crazy!  We want balance.  Sure, we're together but we're separate.

Men, my greatest wish for you is that you have freedom to be who you are and do what you want!  You deserve it!  You bring me so much joy and diversity!  I'm ever so blessed and grateful!


shellnet said...

I might enlarge and print your last paragraph. Maybe a mug and a t-shirt for my wife?

Laura Petersen said...